Life and the Inner powers

The stars shined their brilliant lights on many planets, uncountable amounts, in fact, their radiance stretched across thousands of light years, each one pulling and influencing others, gravity dragging the planets with them.

In this colossal bowling alley called the universe, where stars were snuffed out as block holes crashed into them, where stars collided and worlds cracked apart like broken eggs, life thrived.

Equally as ruthless as the universe it inhabits, if not more so, it slaughtered the weak and experimented with the strong, making them stronger or weaker with sheer luck serving as the driving force.

The imperfections were eliminated through torture-like means, as experimentation took millions of years and billions of lives.

Each advancement marked a triumph, but also more dangers to come. As life conquered the threats that the universe threw at it, it turned against itself, its species dominating in their own way.

Most were too slow, unable to escape their planet-sized crypts and graves, they were smitten out of the universe by anything ranging from a solar flare to a sudden ice age, life was still inferior when compared to the universe.

There were many promising species that killed themselves. Failed experiments of life. Ones that are long forgotten.

The universe has no room for failure, one slip up, and it could be your last.

Those who made it out were not safe, no, they never were and never will be, but now, their odds were greater.

No longer were they helpless against others invading them, no longer would they be surprised by unexpected solar flares, no.

The day the first ones rose, life began its wrestling for control.

One day, no matter If it took until the heat death of the universe or the big crunch, life would continue its battle, or die trying.

After all, what can the universe do? Kill them? like they weren't fated to die already.

There are many who escaped, and some are still alive, and the civilizations of the Orion Arm are not different from others.

They have faced challenges and overcame them, good, that is only expected.

They slaughtered abominations, good, that is what they are for.

They killed one another, using each other for twisted pleasure and cheap labor, good, the strong make the rules. softies are still planet-bound, their corpses making beautiful works of art.

As proud as the free civilizations of the Orion Arm are, the matter of fact is that they aren't anything special.

No, they are nothing, just a few good dice rolls in a row, And it's only a matter of time until the universe rolls. One. Bad. Roll. Is all it takes to snuff out all that pride and emotion, and the universe couldn't care less.

They at least acknowledge it, and move with that knowledge in mind, careful about their surroundings at all times, with no black hole or unstable star escaping their sensors constant vigilance marking their every step.

The greatest threat to life however, is ironically, other life, as its own competitiveness caused infighting rather than a coordinated effort to give the middle finger to the abusive father that the universe is.

Still, the matter of fact is that the cruel mother nature and the abusive universe created miracles of unparalleled beauty, and these ambitious civilizations only thought 'good, more for us to conquer and use.'

Now the clock ticked and tacked, life had a time limit, and it had to advance enough to survive the death of the universe itself, a feat no other species has accomplished to their knowledge.

Many have tried before them, but all have failed, falling to decadence or to others conquering them, but these young ones were determined like no one else before them.

The HIVE could be thanked for this, the immense threat they immediately had to face was a kind of right of passage to them, and it carved itself into their thinking organs.

They hear of the elders from time to time, always scattered information that seems to be deliberately vague, no doubt a tactic to intimidate them before they are even a threat to them, planting seeds of submission and weakness.

All of them would resist such things, whether out of rage, spite, or any other motivating emotion.

The elders would prove to be more than a worthy adversary for the winner of their current powers struggle, whether it be the adaptable humans, the strong Kashak, or the intelligent Peronium, only one of them would dominate here, and the defeated ones would be at their mercy.

No one had the intention of losing to the others, as all leaders bore the responsibility of billions, some even hundreds of billions, on their shoulders.

These people are no naive fools, no blind buffoons, these are the strong, the ones who stood out among quadrillions of others.

They are worthy, if they weren't their species would be extinct or subjugated.

And now the Orion Arm moved into its last conflicts, the last powers all organizing and preparing, the ones that nature and the cosmos have deemed lucky enough and sufficiently intelligent, strong, and adaptable, all coming together for one final showdown.

The Outer powers still loom over them in the void of space, and it is only a matter of time until they join in.

The winner would have little time to consolidate everything they had to offer, unite all the races, and crusade against the invaders, all while praying they would not crush them and simply retreat after suffering sufficient losses.

They could unite against them, and it would be more efficient, they all know this, but can they trust each other? what if someone backstabs them? That would doom them all, except for the scheming one which would do the killing, no slaughtering.

For this reason and a few others, this is the only outcome.

So, nature's chosen rallied to war, each one desperate and equally determined to make it out of this alive and free, ready to dominate the galaxy.


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