CHAPTER 4 - His Power


I was in the club dancing when I could feel eyes boring into the back of my head. I looked around and locked eyes with a face I would do anything to forget.

They were Leo's eyes.

And Leo is in the club right now staring straight at me profusely with a wide smirk on his face with an angry glare.

What the hell is he doing here?

"Girls, I'm going to get a drink". I shouted to Sofia and Raquel through the loud sound of music. "Okay!" They both shouted. I smiled and pushed my way through the crowd to the bar.

I looked towards Massimo who was watching me, I pointed towards Leo and he nodded. He went back to watching Sofia and Raquel as I got to the bar.

"Hello Aurora are you having fun?" Leo asked beside me with his elbows lying against the countertop. I put my purse on the counter waiting for the barman to notice me but he was busy with another customer.

I looked at Leo. "Yes I was actually until i saw you, why are you here Leo?" I folded my arms waiting for his response.

He stood up straight and leaned forward. "I'm here to take you home". He smirked.

Is he actually being serious.

"No." I state stepping away from him picking up my purse and making my way to the other side of the bar. I could hear him sigh and I could sense him following me.

The barman noticed me and made his way towards me. "A shot of tequila please." He nodded and went away.

I looked at Leo who's jaw was cleanhed.

"Come on you've had enough drinks."

"What's that supposed to mean?"I ask annoyed putting my purse on the counter.

"Your drunk you can't walk straight and I can see it in your eyes... You've had enough."

I know I'm drunk but I don't want to let him win.

"It's fine, we'll be going soon anyways."I assure him. He looks at me with an unconvinced expression. "I'm fine" I said evenly.

"Aurora let me bring you home." Leo said in a serious tone. "No." I say taking a step towards him to gain control of the situation.


"Get in my car now Aurora or so help me god I will carry you out of here over my shoulders." Leo cut in caging me between him and the counter with his arms at either side of me. I could feel his warm arms against my waist which made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

My breathe hitched as I met his eyes. I looked away and sighed in defeat. "Fine". I meet his eyes again. "I'll say goodbye to the girls."

He hums. "Good". He backed away. "I'll tell Massimo your coming home with me."

He knows he won.