CHAPTER 11 - Leo

Waiting to hear of Aurora's decision took ages, mother was talking about how me and Aurora are going to fall in love and stay married when this is all over.Pfft. Maybe in Aurora's dreams but certainly not mine.

Nikolai was joking about if this marriage facade doesn't manage to persuade Damon, it's going to be hilarious how me and Aurora got married for no reason at all, and the other half of the conversation was about how proud of himself he was and how it's a good idea, and how he's ready to lead the mafia.

On the other hand there was me who was in my own little dreamland. I already know Aurora said yes to fake date me because I know she would do anything to help her family.

A few minutes later of indistinct chatter going on around me the office door opened and in walked Ace Victoria and Aurora.

I sat up straight waiting for the expected news we were going to receive.

"We have talked and Aurora will do it". Ace said looking at both Victoria and Aurora before looking at the rest of us. Father let out a sigh of relief, mother smiled and went to hug Aurora like we're actually together.

Ace and father went to Nikolai to congratulate him for coming up with the idea. Mother and Victoria were talking in the corner of the room and giggling, their probably talking about me and Aurora having kids already.

I looked towards Aurora who was stood alone so I made my way to her.

"What do you want?"She mumbled looking around the room avoiding my eyes.