"What's this about?"Nikolai asks when Leo and I gather everyone to the living room to tell them.
Me and Leo figured it would be easier to tell everyone together than separately. I changed my mind so many times this morning about telling the truth but Leo insisted we do it now than wait as it's only going to get harder as time goes on.
I know Leo's right but there is so many ways this conversation could go and I'm just hoping it goes the way I want.
Mom, dad, Nikolai, and Chiara all had their eyes on me and Leo which made my palms more sweaty. I gulped down the nerves and cleared my throat.
"Leo and I have gathered you all to tell you something."I look at Leo for help but he looks just as clueless on where to begin.
Panicked isn't even the word for what I'm going through right now. I don't know where to begin on how to tell my family that I lied to them about who my baby's father is.
"Aurora what is it?"Mom asks with worry on her voice.
"Aurora you can tell us anything, you know that right?"Dad said to me with a comforting voice which made me calm down a little.
I close my eyes for a split second and take a deep breath."When I told you I was pregnant do you remember what I said about who got me pregnant."
"Yeah... You said it was a random guy at a club which you still haven't told us the name of."Nikolai questioned looking at me then Leo then back to me.
Mom, dad and Chiara look at me confused.
"I lied."I say quickly. For the next minute everyone stares at me with confusion and I start to think maybe no one heard me.
"I lied. " I say slower and louder.
"Why would you lie about that sweetie?"Mom asks walking over to me.
I look at her with sorry eyes but I see from the corner of my eye Nikolai staring down Leo with a look that isn't normal for him.
This isn't good.
"You got her pregnant didn't you?" Nikolai asks with anger in his voice. All eyes are on Leo now. I swallow my fear and look at Leo waiting for what his response is going to be.
I start to get more nervous when he doesn't say anything. What if he says it was a mistake. Leo clears his throat and looks at me before returning his eyes to everyone else in the room. "Yeah I did... I'm sorry."
"You bastard". Nikolai storms up from his chair and walks quickly over to Leo and punches him in the face.
"Nikolai!"I scream putting my hand on my mouth. Nikolai steps back and looks at Leo in disgust before looking at me as he shakes his shoulders fixing his jacket. He gives Leo one more look before storming up the stairs. I look at Leo as he wipes his nose which is most definitely broken.
"I'll go after him". Dad says making his way towards the stairs. "I'll go." Leo said getting up. "This is my mess."
Dad nods in agreement. Leo looks at dad apologetically before walking up the stairs.
This is not how I thought this would go.
I sit down on the chair. "I'm so sorry I lied, I'm so sorry." I look at mom and dad and they look at me with disappointed eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us the truth Aurora, we wouldn't have been mad. We know you've had a relationship with Leo for a long time, we obviously didn't know it was this type of relationship but we don't care what you do with your life as long as your happy and healthy." Mom explains with her hand on mine.
"I'm so sorry guys, I shouldn't have lied. I just thought it would be the easiest thing to do because me and Leo didn't know what we were at the time and I guess I thought it would be the easiest thing to do than tell the truth."
I look apologetically at mom, dad and Chiara. Chiara smiles "I'm happy Aurora, I'm getting a grandchild."She cries walking over to me. I smile and hug her.
"I'm so sorry. " I apologise again.
"Everybody lies Aurora, only some own up to it and you are very brave for owning up to it." She explains with her hands on my cheeks.
"Thank you Chiara." I hug her tightly before looking back to mom and dad.
"Come here."Dad smiles. I walk over to him smiling in relief. I have such a good relationship with dad and I'm just so grateful I haven't ruined it over a stupid lie.
Dad and mom hug me tightly. When we pull away dad looks towards the stairs."Should I go and check on them?"
"No, I think they just need to talk it out". I say hoping I'm right. Nikolai and Leo have such a great bond. I just pray that my stupid lie hasn't ruined them.