1:Perquisites of the crime

"Babe and what of this? I hate green color I'd rather take the pink one. But.... Oh! yes the pink handbag and heels at home would make a perfect blend."

" The choice is yours and I think they fairly have the same cost.Dont you think Ksh 50,000 is still much for buying only this dress? Would you mind even if we visit Prettyme for another hairstyle?"

" Prettyme should be running for your favour sweetheart! You mean I'm boring with this style? I think I must be the only lady who visit Prettyme saloon after three or four days and having the top and lavish styles. Thank you so much." Angela praised before enveloping George with another warm and affectionate embrace.

This has been the third time George is bringing his girlfriend Angela at Jade Collection, one amongst the famous boutiques in Nairobi. This has been his solace in the recent times after Hussain decided to pay him. He fought the unwavering urge to send some money to his younger brother and parents back home. However it would be the worst choice to do so. None of his closest friends knew about The Big Blue. It would be a sin for them to know and an abomination for the family members. More dangerous it would be, if his parents knew about it.

" I think I should not go to Prettyme today but instead save the cash. I'm looking towards buying something special for your birthday! "

" What of having lunch at Serena today? It's the only hotel we have never dined.Should we give it a try then? " George suggested thoughtfully.

" When will you come and stay with me at my house George? You always promise to do so. I thought today you should taste my food not the Hotel's." returned Angela with a pleading tone. George became alarmingly suspicious about Angela. She has never declined all that he proposed especially when it did not put her at any edge of expending her money. Today she turned two of them.

George contemplated wisely before giving a vague " It's okay ". They walked passed the fancy park near the Serena Hotel into another road where they were supposed to take their Uber taxi. These days he affords an Uber contrary to when he used to take motorbikes. Money has really given him options . Options to choose which hotel to dine. Options to take Ubers and not other discomforting means . Options even to discard Angela and have another when he wants.

Deep in his mind, he was still figuring what else to relish with the money before time elapsed and sends him back to his duty. "Babe! You're deep in thoughts today what's wrong?" Angela inquired concerned when he nearly slammed his foot on the skirting of the tarmac road. "Nothing but wait... " He stopped immediately to shove out his newly bought Samsung phone from the pocket to receive a call. Angela peeped jealousy to confirm the caller lest she would be sharing this decent man. This man that is recently acquiring affluence in a terrible speed. The 400, 000 Kenyan shillings she saw as his account balance did not leave her at ease. A man who couldn't afford even three meals a day but now is an upcoming millionaire with little struggle.

This was the man that she wouldn't dare to loose given that she loved him even when he was still in the grass. Now grace has seen him and this seems to be fueling her love towards him. She did notice how these days his mascular chest has widened. Those biceps that grew bigger each day were just a perfect march with his dishy abdominal muscles. She could imagine how arousing he looked in his pair of blue jeans and a tight fitting yellow t-shirt even without looking at him. It must be the money he's earning that makes him more attractive when he stylishly trim his moustache and goatee to reveal his complete manhood. Angela delighted at this thought. She felt secured and blessed to have him.

On the blue glossy screen was a capitalized name HUSSAIN. George felt cold. He startled like one who has seen demonic picture on the screen or has received a call from one of the agents of a cult alleged to bay for human blood.

But it was Hussain, his employer. What was bringing total odds was the fact that it was never Hussain's nature to call when George was on leave or weekends. This was exceptional and it depicted an emergency at hand.

"Hello George. I already have Bruce and Collins with me here. We are in short of one significant person. That's you. We meant to do it without you but Collins and Bruce need you badly. Come at Blex Towers immediately." Hussain remarked in a strong authoritative voice like a father would on his child.

By the time the couple reached the designated place to pick their taxi, George was already shattered beyond words. He was partially cowed and wholly befuddled by Hussain. A trickle of sweat ran down his hairy temples as the hands lost the dexterity to both continue holding Angela by her waist and taking the phone back to the pocket. Angela could not do beyond her steady capability to mollify her lover. Inexplicable romantic warmth left her the moment he withdrew his hand from her shapely waist. She could feel a share of this confusion and fright too.

A new red Mazda taxi was packed carefully just some inches from the skirting of the road. It was clean and seemed to welcome some kind of sanity back to this couple. The over tinted windows provided just the right deal of privacy. They could sob silently without the knowledge of the public saved for the driver. Him also was a cool man with no signs of emotional expressions on his face and really stolid to bother what his clients were passing through.

Angela decided to break the silence as the car picked momentum. They were to call at Angela's house before George could respond to the emergency summon. " What did he said? You're retrenched?"

"Not a retrenchment really." George replied with his heart still thumping thunderously inside his ribcage. " Just some issues here and there at work. I must have misplaced a document at work. But the tone of his voice is revealing half anger and half urgency. I can't tell but something must be really wrong."

" But you told me Hussain was a good man. Do you think he can kick you out of The Big Blue ?"

"Hard to think of it babe but just be calm I know everything is okay." He assured Angela with a deep romantic kiss on her forehead as he pulled her to his mascular chest. He loosened his gentle grip on her when he felt embarrassed that he certainly saw the driver's eyes through the rear view mirror. Though that wasn't a big deal to him. He knew and felt that he really loved this girl.

An hour later the taxi pulled slowly before the Blex Towers. This was after he had dropped Angela at her home and promised to come back later when he's done with Hussain. This was the only time he was privileged to spend time with her due to his tight daily schedule. He promised to keep his word and come back to see Angela. He would perhaps taste the love she longed to express in her food. Who would deny to dine with the love of his heart? Especially if the delicacies were prepared by her.

The thought of rejoicing with Angela was cut off by the red and yellow lights artistically lodged on to the shinny silvery wall besides the door of the lift . He absent mindedly pressed the yellow button and the lift door opened. Inside, he still fumbled as his eyes ran through another set of buttons indicating the floors. The urgent summon still clouded his mind mixed with a stream of endless questions about it.

He meant to press the number 7 button but his hand nervously slid and pressed the number 4 button. Unconsciously he found himself on the forth floor instead of the seventh. Of course he was not knew at Blex Towers. He rightly knew where they usually had their 'grown-up' meetings as Hussain always called them. It was in room number 15 strategically located at the left corner of the seventh floor. A room that he couldn't forget in any way.

Before re-entering the lift to continue his journey upstairs, he stood for a moment in a foyer that granted him a vantage position to the outside of the building through the glass windows. Through the window he still could access a view of the few cars parked outside the main entrance. He spotted one in particular; a sleek blue BMW X7. He knew it . It was Hussain's car. This sent a tingling shiver into his stomach as though he met a tiger unexpectedly. The car clearly confirmed Hussain's presence and it dawned on him that indeed it was a serious call. His employer never called him when he is off from work. This was an exception.

Minutes later he was standing behind the room number 15 door. His energy had dwindled away and he strained to gather bits of courage and energy to swing the cold metallic door handle. He somehow managed to steady himself and opened the door. The wealthy sofas still lay normally in the room. Everyone in his designated position. Low masculine voices that were murmuring were brought to a sudden stop. All the eyes on him as he closed the door behind him.

Bruce sat on the sofa on the right with his imposing blue suit that made him look like a business associate to Hussain rather than a mere employee. Collins was composed on the left seat with his gray pair of jeans and a black shirt. He was looking fairly okay saved for the missing tie for that kind of a shirt. On the sofa that faced the door just beside the water dispenser on the right was slouched Hussain. Tilting on the left a little bit while his left arm rested effortlessly on the sofa's armrest. Contrary to others,he was still in his usual long flowing maroon robe characteristic of the Muslim culture. His cloak was carefully wound around his neck and proclaimed a commanding aura with his long sideburns and goatees that were dyed in brown color.