3:House of love

All these George could remember. He vividly reminisced it and yet did not find any single blunder he made during the mission as far as it had been planned. In fact, he thought that this one was the most successful of all. Furthermore, this one fetched a quite handy pay than all bearing the fact that Hussain was more satisfied by their work. Whatever he is speaking of phone numbers of strangers cannot rightly sink into his mind.

" The lady who called my phone says she knows where her daughter is and even my whereabouts! " muttered Hussain under his breath as he trembled with anger.His eyes were now bloodshot like red balls of charcoal embers.

" Sir everything was done as you guided us. We did everything just in the manner you wanted." Defended George with a more shattered voice. Collins did not exhibit any emotional expression while Bruce stayed mouth agape and eyebrows raised like one who had seen the gates of hell. Hussain was becoming more angry but with a look that suggested he was being attacked by a raging fear and self reproach at the same time.He was trying to prob what he knew very well would not yield any desirable fruit. Blaming his employees was just a way of trying to prop himself so that he didn't die alone or looked like he wanted to.He knew very well that these men had nothing to do with a phone call he received some hours ago .

As everyone was dumbfounded by this creeping fear, a familiar ringtone of an Arabic song permeated the room. It was Hussain's phone . He glanced at it for a moment with a prominent grimace before finally receiving it. He spoke to the caller in eloquent Arabic accent before he started fumbling with English words as he stood to finish the talk outside. He left another disturbing confusion behind as the men tried to confer with each other fearfully as to what might befall them .

Upon coming back, now less worried than before , he dropped on his sofa heavily and scanned their faces as though he needed them to understand what has transpired on the phone call.His hot face now seemed relaxed and a little bit of satisfaction played around his eyes.He then called off the meeting sending everybody to continue enjoying their leave.

It was nearing dusk when the three men parted ways. They convinced themselves that perhaps the latter phone call he received stitched just in time and nine was indeed saved. Collins and Bruce went their way together while George headed to Angela's house before darkness. Even as he was walking along Karen road making quick dignified strides , he couldn't help but contemplated wisely about the incident.

He wondered what eventuality would have outcroped from the conspiracy meeting. What he would have done suppose they are finally caught by the government upon their deeds coming to light. They would live behind the bars for their entire lives. But that would be bearable even compared to when they are clashed with the anger of the police and probably a bullet or two are lodged into their chests or heads. Worst would be if they are caught by an angry mob justice. They would only be stoned or burnt to death. A bitter death indeed.

A few metres to Angela's house , Hussain's affairs and the crime thing was slowly swiped from his mind and new refreshing thoughts emerged. Thoughts of his fate with Angela . He recalled how he first met this girl. How mysteriously he found himself loving her. How lovely she looked and up-to-date, she still dazzled with the same elegance and her unwavering love is still strong and lilt.

It was on one of his busy Saturday evening. He was coming from the gymnasium and was hurrying home to prepare for the next day. A day that obviously Hussain used to send them for those dangerous missions. He was about to negotiate a corner before he took the road that led to his home when he heard a faint feminine voice calling behind him. He stood and animatedly turned his neck to ascertain the caller. And there she was!

A slim girl with a light complexion and shiny blow dried black hair. A strand of hair fell loosely but beautifully to the side of her right eye. Silvery round earrings dangled sightly above her exposed shoulders and a marching necklace around her neck. It had a silver pendant that tacked itself lushly to her cleavage. She wore a red dress and a marching red pair of low heeled shoes . Her hand was soft and gorgeously adorned with colorful bangles. She stretched it out to greet him when he approached.

George could not breathe at that level of beauty in front of him . Her dark eyes shone welcomingly and sent out a glistering appearance against the evening sunlight. She played a rich smile of contentment on her face and George felt like giving in. It felt like he had been caught tight at his weakest point. His knees threatened to wobble , his stomach uneasy to bear the amount of nervousness while his heart pounded thunderously . Submission was what followed. Even when she asked him to help her carry her traveling bag , he didn't hesitate. Instead of showing her the direction to Golden Oak Residency, as she had asked, he literally took her to the place. That was the place that she was to relocate and intended to live.

Even as he was still brushing through the thoughts of his encounter with her , he suddenly remembered something. The encounter took place on a day like this with an exact matching date.That meant that they were supposed to celebrate the anniversary of their love for having pulled it in a year now.Would the thought have came earlier enough, he would have bought her something for a surprise . But it was too late and he had already arrived at the gate which was artistically etched with the words ' GOLDEN OAK RESIDENCY ' in a shiny yellow tinge.

Without his knowledge, a surprise was in stock for him. Upon entry into Angela's house, he found pink petals of rose flowers dropped in a line that welcomed him into the living room. At intervals were white papers that had girlish handwritings sticked to the floor with enchanted love quotes and George melted each time he read one. One in particular wakened his inner most feelings after he read it. ' I lost myself in a bush of confusion and all I could find was you as my refuge . You make me forget everyone else and think of you. I love you George'. He took two more steps to reach out for the sofa and on his favorite spot whenever he came to this house.

He was just about to sit down when he got struck by something peculiar to his eyes. A bare foot of Angela lay on the floor just in the foyer leading to the bedroom. It had what looked like thick clotted blood from her ankle. Like one who had just touched a live electric wire and got electrocuted, he stood motionless with a raging fear and confusion at once. Something tragic must have happened. He did not want to think of death first of all.

Gathering courage, he managed to make a few strides to the spot. He still couldn't see the rest of her body which lay horizontally into the bedroom. The hardwood mahogany door was ajar and the hemline of her dress clinged to the corner of the door and this exposed partially the soft light skin of her seductive thighs. He made one more stride and carefully opened the door to reveal the pretty face of his lover as she lay helplessly with her eyes closed as if she was dead .

He shook his head unconsciously in deep lamentation and a tear of pain started to emerge freely from the corner of his eye. He forcefully bent down to feel her breath and confirm if the inevitable tragedy had happened. Suddenly he felt a vicious pull towards her face and instantly she woke up still clinging his head towards hers. " I was only testing to see your reaction if I was dead." Cried Angela in joy as she made an effortless contact of her lips with his . He in turn pulled her closer after he momentarily overcame

the confusion and fear in him.

"Ooh! You set me into a different world. I had started mourning your death. That's a dangerous surprise and don't use it again." supplied George amidst chortling as they stood up still clinged to each other affectionately ." It's out anniversary and I wanted to make it special sweetheart! I even faked a wound on my ankle just to get your attention and gauge how you love me. "

"And you got it !"

" Exactly that's what I wanted. You know how I really love you babe! I can't stand it if you confuse yourself with other things apart from me."

" You're that girl that means much to me. You can't imagine I had completely forgotten about this day. I could have bought you your...."

" No! No! No! the best gift I want now is you. Your presence is my gift. " interrupted Angela with a seducing voice as she place her index finger on his lips.

" Wow! thank you so much."

" But promise me one thing tonight George! "

" What's that?"

" That you will not interrupt my precious time with you. No unnecessary Phone calls tonight okay?"

" This is our time dearest! I also want to have the most precious time with you my love. " echoed George mirthfully.

" Now come with me and see what's in this house of love. " she zealously grabbed his hand and led him into the dining table. She carefully made him sit down just as a mother would do to her toddler and George let her did whatever she wanted.