8: At Allgrace park.

It is on a weekend and George strains himself lazily to wake up. He gives a prominent yawn and coughs slightly before stretching his hands like one freeing himself from a hunter's trap. His eyes are still heavy and bloodshot and he still could feel an faint call inside his body urging him to go back to sleep. He dismisses it finally.

This day , he has a quite busy but refreshing day. He has to go and see Angela and also has to visit the bank .He must deposit the money he was paid by Hussain before anything happens. He still cannot find something meaningful to do with it. Since he relocated into this new house he's living, he had been trying to buy some household items and now nothing was left. He looks at his expensive bed and momentarily thinks that he's dreaming. He's stinking rich!

After a hasty preparation of breakfast, he showers and now he's at his closet! He's not sure if he's good at fashion but believes he can't miss the lines. He finally resorts to go with the green suits. This would be the third time he's wearing them since he bought them last month.

An hour later he had boarded a taxi and it stopped just before a building imprinted the label ' Nic bank ' on a silvery board on top. He pompously marched into it after leaving the taxi driver with no word. He had to show the world that he truly can possess extra cash to just dispose it off in the bank as if he was satisfied. He had to behave like a sumptuous man! Man who had a taste of life indeed!

Later, after reboarding the taxi to go at Golden Oak Residency, he found himself in deep thoughts. Even when the car halted at the gate of Golden Oak Residency, he didn't not realize it until the driver brought him back to reality. He thought about the many options that are at his disposal as far as investment is concerned. Should he start a business and quit Hussain and his company? After all the amount he had was just enough to sustain him for a year or two should he get retrenched. Yes he was rich. But a stupid rich. By this time he should have hatched up a lucrative business.

" Hey man you have arrived.You're thinking so much." The driver had startled him. He looked at him with a impish look and only said no word but to shove some notes from his pocket and pay him. He forced a smile on his face as he entered the compound. But today was a day of rejoicing .No more thinking of hard and heavy matters such as business starting.

He knocked at Angela's door and she momentarily delayed before replying with a " come in please". As if she was caught unaware, She stood with her eyes wide open at the sight of George. She threw the dusting cloth that she held in her hands on the table and stopped dusting the window panes of her house. She ululated loudly as she ran towards him her hand stretched for a cuddle. George picked up by welcoming her into his bosom and carried her as they hugged each other tightly. They went into their world of love and each could feel the romantic air around them.

" You're still growing more and more beautiful." George commented while completely taken by the tight pink dress she wore. He could see her new hairstyle and those new pair of earrings that proclaimed her beautiful neck region. "Huh ! Thank you so much babe." She replied feeling a little bit embarrassed for being the central focus. "But I've missed you so much!" she continued.

" You can't imagine how I have been longing for you my love. I was only looking for an opportunity when I'll have some free time and get to enjoy being with you." George said.

"But remember I told you I have to pick up my younger sister from her school. I know you've never seen her in person right?"

" Yes! I've never ! She's always at school when I visit you. This boarding school has made me not to see my sister in-law. But I must see her today."

"For sure you should! But wait ....

I have to finish with this cleaning so that we can have more time together." Angela said as she repicked the cloth to finish with the remaining window panes before she prepared to go and pick her sister. Barely had she started dusting when George crept behind her , he wrapped his right hand around her belly and snatched the cloth from her hand. " You have to let me help you sweetheart! I can do the dusting while you go to prepare yourself!" George whispered to her softly.

" Huh! I'm ... I'm.. thankful for..." before she had completed, George had implanted a warm kiss on her forehead before releasing her. She looked up at him with eyes glimmering with love and swayed her hips as she went away to take a shower leaving George in the living room alone.

Minutes later , She emerged from the her bedroom sparkling clean with the cutest outfit. She wore a green coat and a white blouse. She marched it with green heels not to forget her green earrings . Her weaved hair and her handbag made her look not much different from a young college lecturer. They together went out to pick Angela's sister. One could easily tell the love between them and they made it known to the world by their matching attires.

At Southland High school, parents were streaming into the gate while others were coming out with their students flashing smiles all over. Motorbikes, taxi cars and personal cars were also parked outside the gate ready for their jobs. Angela left George at that crowded environment and went in. For once George gave a thought to the cost of parenting. He imagined a day like this when he'll have to come and pick his daughter , and not his sister in-law.

Moments later she came jostling in the crowd energetically while being followed closely by her younger sister. Just as Angela, she was equally a definition of beauty. She had a lighter complexion than Angela but maintained the same shape of cheeks and dimples like Angela. She was a little bit shorter than Angela saved for her age, she would be a real rival of beauty to Angela

" Claire! This is George , my fiancee that I told you that day." introduced Angela with a rich smile on her lips before continuing , "And George, this is Claire ! My younger sister that I have been telling you!"

"Oh! pleasure to meet you George! At last I have a big brother! " Claire said while she stretched her hand to greet George. George shook her hand and certainly felt the soft skin of her palms coupled with those flirty eyes. Indeed she was a replica of Angela!

"Pleasure to meet you too Claire! " George replied as his voice vibrated to show his masculine dominance. The three took a taxi back home chatting happily as a family. Claire narrated how she had been coping up with her education while George and Angela updated her on what has been going on without her knowledge. After dropping Claire at home , the lovers set out for an evening outing.

George took Angela to a park that she has never been before. It was one of the most beautiful parks ever with lovely flowers and all kind of short but shady trees. The evening was approaching and the sun was reducing it's intensity. A Cool breeze blew over from the hills nearby bringing a cooling effect on the park. Few people were enjoying what this park had to offer. All of them were in twos except one man who sat at the extreme corner of the park reading a book. It looked like a Bible or some other religious book. All this was what constituted of the Allgrace park. A perfect environment for lovers and romantic experts.

George led Angela to a quiet shade far from the presence of the occupants of the park. He made her sit down before he sat down on the lawn also next to her. He looked right into her eyes without saying a word and she reciprocated with the same non verbal language. He leaned next to her shoulder and whispered softly into her ears." Angela..." he started before pausing to take a breath. " I've been thinking of all the things that I can fix in my life. I have come to realize that one of them is to complete myself."

"Complete yourself?" asked Angela perplexed a little bit.

"Yes to complete myself! I mean I want to say goodbye to a bachelor's life. I need someone by my side ! And after my careful analysis, that person is You. I would love to marry you Angela." He intoned while stretching his other hand from the inner pocket of his coat. He withdrew a small red box that was coloured with all tones of love.

He opened it to reveal two golden rings and took her left hand with his other hand that ran over her shoulders. " I put this to you as a sign of our concrete love and our forthcoming marriage. I love you so much." He said while he made her finger pass through the ring. She was speechless and only let her tears of joy run down her cheeks without control. It took a couple of minutes for her to digest that truly George intended to marry her. She too took the other ring and did the same to George!