Chapter Three - We're Just Friends

Saturday had arrived.

Lily was in front of the mirror. She had made up her mind to be well-dressed, she wanted to surprise Sevy. She admitted it, the last few days she had felt invisible to him, and perhaps because of a feeling of feminine vanity she was willing to confirm that she wasn't.

Since third year she had been aware of what she caused in Sev, she remembered the special shine in his dark eyes, the joy reflected in his face, and how he trembled at her touch.

Lily was not stupid, Severus liked her, his attitude towards her had confirmed it in the same way as his tantrums when he saw her approaching James at the beginning of the year. Despite this, she was very clear that they would only be friends. (The best, but only friends).

So why that emptiness in her chest when he was indifferent? She loved James! She knew since he left his old joker attitude, he had matured a bit. Plus, he was nice and personable... though he lacked Sev's handsomeness and intellect.

8:00 am.

Severus was waiting for her at the castle gate.

Although Lily had decided to surprise her best friend, it seemed that the shots were coming from both sides since Sev was wearing tailored black pants and a shirt of the same color with an open collar, the belt marking his waist and his buckle, silver seemed to sparkle. The outfit seemed tailored, snug against his slender body making him look... desirable?

- "Good morning" - The potionist greeted. - "You have never let me down when it comes to punctuality."

- "Hi, I've never seen you like this."

- "I made some changes to my wardrobe." - Severus took her arm casually, Lily didn't feel the tremor she had expected from him, it didn't make him nervous.

- "It looks good on you" - The redhead commented.

- "Thank you."

That is all? Not even a reciprocal comment that justifies being in front of the mirror for two hours? Was his friend really indifferent to her?

- "And I... How do I look?" - The redhead ventured, taking a few steps forward and turning in front of Sev.

- "As always" - Severus smiled at the redhead's gesture. - "Pretty."

He took the redhead's arm again and they continued on their way to Hogsmeade.

Though he had paid her a compliment, it had felt so emotionless that he seemed to have commented on the weather.

Once in "the three broomsticks" they took a table and before taking a seat Lily had to endure a flattering speech from Rosmerta to Severus, where she congratulated him and wished him the best in his career as a prodigy potionist. She felt a certain anger when she saw her standing next to her friend who was thanking the young blonde between smiles, for the first time she felt as if she was left out.

She cleared her throat loudly as the cheerful Rosemerta caught Sevy in a hearty hug.

- "What are you going to order?"

- "Two butterbeer and some sweets" - Severus requested.

- "You hate sweets" - Lily said when Rosemerta left. - "Seriously, I don't know what happened to you, if I didn't know you at all I'd swear you're a polyjuice potion-drinking impostor!"

- "You hit it" - Severus replied with the utmost seriousness, leaving Lily wide-eyed. - "I am another person and I have kidnapped your little friend, I pulled out his greasy hair every day and I usurp his identity because I want to flirt with all the girls of Hogwarts and then disappear with impunity, if he impregnated someone better; I want to run around the castle very early in the morning reading the play wizard magazine and I love doing the homework that the teachers give us."

For a minute the silence was present, Rosemerta deposited the requested beers, and collaborating with the imposed silence, she withdrew, the atmosphere remained tense until the disconcerted Lily observed how Severus' gaze softened, his lips curved until he let out a genuine laugh.

- "It's not funny!" - Evans claimed feeling foolish for having believed such a possibility for a minute. Severus was still laughing. - "Since when do you make jokes?!"

- "I discovered that laughter is healthy" - He commented. - "Did you really believe all that for a second?"

- "Maybe about the polyjuice potion, but about flirting with all the girls, I doubt it."

- "Why?" - Sev was the one frowning now. - "Do you think women are indifferent to me? For your information, I am a man like any other."

- "I've never seen you interested in anyone" - Lily blurted out. - "I could swear I'm the only woman in your life."

Severus looked her straight in the eye. As if reading something in the redhead's emerald gaze. After a few seconds, he smiled slightly.

- "You're my best friend" - Severus said breaking the silence. - "That makes you unique, but I'm afraid you could never be the only one in my life." - 'Not anymore,' - He thought. - "Sooner or later the right one will come into my life" - He sentenced-. "Our friendship will last and if we don't neglect it, it may last until we both have gray hair."

That confession took Lily by surprise. Severus had just stated that out there in the wide world there was someone meant for him. She would just be his friend, and everything was fine... Right?

- "I feel displaced" - She said jokingly. - "You know, before I started going out with James, many of my friends in Gryffindor had the silly idea that you were after me" - She gave a mischievous giggle.

- "I am worried about the collective intelligence of the females in your house if they reach such absurd conclusions!" - Sevy shared the redhead's humor and they both laughed as they sipped their drink at the same time. - "I couldn't notice you!" - Lily almost spit out what she had swallowed. - "You're stuck" - Severus commented, patting her on the back. - "Breathe."

- "Why?" - It was the redhead's question.

- "What are you talking about?" - The dark-haired man frowned.

- "Why couldn't you notice me?" - She asked without hesitation, Severus's expression was a poem. - "I mean... it's natural for guys to be attracted to girls, even if they're friends one can be attracted to..."

- "No."

- "It's something natural and there's nothing wrong, some even confuse the feeling of friendship with..."

- "No" - The black-haired man cut her off with total seriousness.

Severus said no more, turning his attention to the bottle in his hands. For some strange reason, he seemed upset.

Lily felt annoyed. Was he saying that she didn't have enough to like him? Not even a little? Being in full adolescence, the redhead began to doubt her attractiveness.

- "You like blondes" - She stated. His friend just turned to look her in the eyes. - "In all our years of friendship, you have never told me about your tastes with girls. No one called your attention, you were engrossed in your books and experiments. I thought... you had no interest in socializing with others."

- "And I thought you would never notice jerks like James!" - He refuted with a recriminating tone surprising her friend-. "We can all change, Lily, I have decided to do it" - He held her gaze. - "It's not that I have a special interest in blondes, I can like any girl. Except you, my great friend. I wouldn't spoil our friendship... not this time."

This time? The redhead was taken aback for a moment. But her thoughts began to turn to a different idea. All women were valid for the dark-haired man, except for her. Was she a troll who lacked beauty and intellect?

Since fourth year, she had been showered with praise from practically every boy in her social circle. Whether or not they were from Gryffindor! And while Sev hadn't showered her with praise, his constant blushes and furtive glances were more than obvious. Now he didn't look down, he saw her straight on, haughty and sure of himself.

She decided to change the subject.

They talked at length about what had happened at school. That was how she found out that Severus planned to move to the Prince mansion since the property documents had been issued without much difficulty. Furthermore, the mansion's wards had given way in Severus' presence, thus confirming that he had Prince blood.

- "When did you go?"

- "The previous Saturday."

They were walking down the main street, Severus gallantly leading her by the arm.

- "The ministry called me and I decided to attend."

- "It is seen that you don't have so many chores" - Lily complained.

- "Being exonerated in the matter of potions has its advantages."

- "For you, I'm sick of 'the Snape method'!"

- "The best of all, my dear redhead."

A soft smack on his chest made him laugh. Lily being in a more approachable mood shared his joy.

The castle was already visible. The breeze was a caress on their faces.

The truth, leaving aside the first moments of conversation, they had enjoyed themselves.

Severus was happy because he felt on track, he had a promising future and Lily was his best friend, she would be alive, and she wouldn't have to die as she had in his horrifying past, which curiously is now his future. He would take care of Tom Riddle.

Likewise, the redhead had to admit that she had had a good time. After the beers had strolled, they went into the library where Sev had recommended some books. Quite good truthfully.

She couldn't help thinking that this was something she couldn't do with James, even if he could accompany her to a place of worship he couldn't share her interest in learning or have an intelligent discussion about authors. James was the opposite of Severus.

- "I had a good time" - The redhead commented. They were at the entrance of the castle and they had to take different paths. - "We should repeat it."

- "As far as possible" - The dark-haired man approached, took her by the shoulders without taking his eyes off her, and kissed her tenderly on the cheek-. "See you, little lion."

- "See you later, snake."

He left and she was rooted to the spot. He was her best friend, she was sure, but... Why was she blushing? Why had she shaken like a leaf? Was she confusing things?

With these thoughts, and unable to remove the warmth she had felt on her cheek upon contact with Severus's lips, she headed for her tower.

Unaware that the marauders had frozen some distance away, as they were returning from their Hogsmeade outing, and ran into Snivellus and Lily very close to each other, parting from what was clearly a romantic kiss. Lily's excessive blush proved it!

James was furious and plotting his revenge against the dark-haired man. But first, he would have to talk to the redhead who had cheated on him. Make her confess.

His friends seemed to share his idea, except for Remus who ran a hand through his brown hair sensing trouble.

Whereas Sirius had found the perfect excuse to hex the bloody snake, assuming he was better at dueling than nerd Snivellus.