Chapter 15 Great Shift

After about 5 minutes the two reached the peak of the mountain Xuan Jin looked around in amazement. This area was truly unlike anything he'd seen in the 10,000 Beast Forest.

"This mountain you're standing on, is our Iron Body Tribe's Unbroken Will Mountain. We've lived here for over 100 years, since the time of my grandfather." Big Boar explained, his gaze heavy. He then pointed to the forest floor between the mountains.

"We hunt around our mountain and the surrounding mountains, but we never ascend any other mountains. This is because of the Thunder Eagles that inhabit the mountains. They're our sworn enemy and the biggest threat to our tribe."

Xuan Jin listened silently, observing the surroundings. He truly had never heard of such a place in the 10,000 Beast Forest and needed more information if he wanted to make it back home.

"Additionally, Frost Wolves occasionally roam around our territory. All this to say its difficult for me to leave the tribe to help you back home, but this isn't why I denied your request." Big Boar declared before his vision shifted afar.

Xuan Jin followed his gaze, and his eyes widened in shock. "The region our Unbroken Will Mountain is found in is called Great Shift. Every 5 years our territory shifts from one side of the Grand Demonic Forest, or what you call the 10,000 Beast Forest, to another. And the day you arrived was the day of the Great Shift."

In the distance 10s, if not over 100 kilometers away, Xuan Jin could see what looked like the very ground trembling and moving, no the correct term would indeed be shifting. Due to how far away it was the boy wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't pointed out, but upon focusing on it he was amazed at the sheer scale of it.

"All this to say, for you to go back home would mean traversing almost the entire length of the Grand Demonic Forest. Including the deep Inner Region, the Core Region and who knows what else. Even if you don't account for the sheer length of the journey, the danger alone is not something I would dare dream about." Big Boar finished his explanation as Xuan Jin's jaw dropped.

"....So what you're saying is, I somehow ended up at your tribe just before the whole region shifted." The boy muttered as he processed what was going on, a feeling of hopelessness consuming him. "Yes, but its not as bad as you think." Big Boar replied.

"Our tribe shifts between the same two spots every 5 years. Meaning that 5 years from now we'll shift back to our previous position and I'll be able to help you back home."

Hearing this Xuan Jin regained some hope, but he still felt aggrieved. Such a length of time was long for anyone, but for a boy 10 years of age it was especially long. 

'Father and mother are going to worry endlessly, they might even think I am dead. Not to mention I was meant to start learning array formation, and father requested my help with the techniques. My cultivation is going to be impacted...and how can I lead the Sect from here.....' Xuan Jin's thoughts began to consume him and Big Boar noticed this.

Patting the boy on the back, Big Boar gave him a smile. "Kid, I know its hard for you. A new place, new people, and I'll be honest, our greeting wasn't exactly the nicest, but...." Big Boar said before holding out his hand.

"I Big Boar, the 4th Chief of the Iron Body Tribe swear I'll help you home after 5 years, that I guarantee." Big Boar promised. Hearing this a smile graced the boys face before he took the mans hand.

"Then I, Xuan Jin will accept your promise." He replied, his worries settling down somewhat.

The two then descended the peak and entered the living area of the tribe. Xuan Jin hadn't originally got a good look, but the tribe was bigger than he had previously guessed. From the looks of it over a thousand people lived here, which was a population bigger than some villages.

After strolling around for a bit, Big Boar then led Xuan Jin to the biggest hut in the village. This was naturally his residence, and he gave the boy a room to stay in. "Rest for now, tomorrow we have much to discuss." Big Boar said before leaving.

Xuan Jin, tired as could be, simply jumped into his new bed and slept. He'd had a long day, and an even longer week.


"Fuck!" Xuan Moon cursed, his body covered in blood. Below him his blade was plunged into the skull of a gigantic 5 meter tall gorilla. 'I've entered the inner region and there's still no response.' He sighed as he looked at the black pendant.

"Even if I have to bring back a corpse, I am bringing my son home." Xuan Moon declared his gaze determined. His blade then flew into his hand. The man then tapped his foot onto the gorilla.

In an instant the ape turned into a mist of blood, and Xuan Moon disappeared further into the 10,000 Beast Forest.