Trusting Instincts

The world his father brought Milan up in was not friendly to the innocent. Their life with the powerful Mauve Beaufort was not an ordinary one, nor was it safe for a rather beautiful child like Milan. That was why his instincts were trained to detect unseen threats.

Right now, those alarms were being triggered by this Martin Clifford.

Milan darted his eyes at that hand waiting to be shaken. However, he just looked at the man’s face before smiling at him. “Pleasure, Mr. Clifford.”

There was strange dead air between the two. The winds blowing inside the Sheriff’s Office were not supposed to be freezing, but they all felt how it changed. It was even enough for them not to wonder why their breaths would fog into small white clouds.

“If you find yourself having trouble with anything, you can find me in our house. Saving my daughter shall be rewarded.” Martin didn’t like how vacant his hand was, but he was more curious about that strange sharpness in Milan’s crystal blue eyes. Also, this Milan Sheppard was too pretty to be a man. His voice was even not that deep to be exclusively male.

“I will oblige, Mr. Clifford.” Milan then turned to the sheriff. “Sorry, sheriff. If we’re done here, I might have to leave. I have to attend my mother’s funeral.”

“Right, I called you over for that, too.” Boris cleared his throat. He then smiled at the Clifford family and exchanged pleasantries with them.

Milan didn’t listen to them all that much, but he was watching them intently. Esperanza didn’t look happy, nor was her brother satisfied with the resolution. However, since they already left, Milan just hoped he could deal with his mother’s affairs smoothly while they had yet to make a move.

As for Corbin, he wondered why that father stared at Milan that way. The wife didn’t even look worried about their daughter, instead.

“Chief! There’s another one—” When he saw the Clifford family leave, another of the police officers thought the sheriff was already alone. That was why he barged in without care, he even brought the case file with him. It’s just that he saw Milan and Corbin still inside.

“Andrew, not the time.” Boris frowned at the newcomer. However, he noticed how Andrew froze at the sight of the other two men.

Andrew only stared at Milan as if he was falling for some sort of witchcraft. One gaze at those crystal blue eyes, and his soul had gone away. Seeing how the other person was frozen by his gaze, Milan only smiled deviously. He could even see the exact moment Andrew’s brain exploded from the delivered blow.

What an easy target.

It was Corbin who came up to the other person and snatched the case file in Andrew’s hand. He then used it to slap Andrew’s head. “Hey! Why are you staring? You think he’s a babe?”

“That’s not a girl?” Andrew flinched when he was hit, but the truth had more impact on him. “That’s a he? Why is she… he so…? No, you’re just joking!”

“What the? You think you know better than me?” Corbin hit the other’s head with the folder again. “I was there when his mom changes his diapers. Stop staring and report properly, you idiot.”

“Ehem, the case, Andrew.” Boris massaged his temples. He just hoped Milan wouldn’t find it disrespectful for one of the officers to stare at him like that. It didn’t seem Boris caught the soundless laugh Milan did after Corbin scolded the other officer some more.

When Andrew survived the ‘beating,’ he handed the case file to the sheriff and discussed it with the sheriff in hushed voices. Milan couldn’t catch a lot from their conversation, and it didn’t help how Corbin stood in front of him as if keeping Milan from reading their lips. The older man was even frowning at the former villager, who only knew how to smile strangely right now.

Boris then called for Milan, making Corbin step out of the way. “Mr. Sheppard, something important came up. I don’t think I can walk you to the morgue right now. Can you wait for me to return first? Don’t worry, your mother’s body is well-preserved.”

“I’ll go with him. That’s just the morgue, right?”

Another person spoke, and Milan twitched at the seemingly familiar voice. He turned to find the owner, and a tall, handsome man walked inside the sheriff’s main office. His hair was like the fairest wood, and it almost blended with the color of his skin. Clad in dark clothes, it created a great contrast between the two of them. Moreover, the man had these golden eyes.

Milan didn’t know when he felt like the air was escaping from his lungs. It took a lot of him to keep the heat from showing on his face. Men like these were easy to see in the clubhouses run by Mauve, but none of them struck Milan like this. For some reason, it was even too hard to believe.

“Ah, Owen, you’re already here. Were you the one who filed the report this time?” Boris sighed.

“Yes, Uncle. The victim this time is one of the nursing cows in the barn. Others were safe, however.” Owen hummed before glancing in Milan’s direction. “The coroner knows me. I can help him.”

Boris stared at the man first before nodding. He got up and collected his things to check out the barn. “I’ll give the coroner a call on my way. Be careful on your way there.”

Even if Andrew didn’t want to leave, he had to attend to his duties. Corbin also had work to do this day. He just bid goodbye to Milan as he saw them off at the entrance of the Sheriff’s Office.

Milan was now left in the company of the handsome man, who was even a head taller than him. Even if Milan was not that tall, it was enough to match runway models. This Owen guy… Milan couldn’t help but stare and strain his neck for a glimpse of those eyes.

“Mr. Sheppard, was it?”

“It’s Miles for you.” Milan almost grinned, but he caught his mistake. He then coughed out. “No, no, that would be weird. It’s Milan—call me Milan. That’s my name. Not Miles.”

Owen lifted his brows and chuckled, seeing how Milan looked down to avoid his gaze. He then raised a hand and gently ran the back of his fingers to feel the soft strands of Milan’s hair. “All right. I’ll call you Milan if it’s too early.”

The heat in Milan’s body suddenly plunged into pure coldness when he felt how Owen’s hand grazed his hair. His body was not sending alarms, but he knew that kind of action. For someone who trusted his instincts a lot, Milan couldn’t believe someone dangerous had gotten too close to him. His eyes then connected with those golden ones.

Even if Milan liked him, what if this man hoped to get his way with the newcomer? What would he do if Milan said ‘no?’