The Point of Being Wanted

Indistinct voices came from a distance, and Milan groaned in his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself lying down on a bed. He was facing the door, and there was a person sitting on the chair next to the desk. On her dainty hands were the yellowed letters that Milan kept on his person.

Milan got up from the bed, realizing how there was a fresh sheet under him as if someone made the bed before placing him down there. The bed was probably not slept in for only four days, but it was used by someone else. It was natural for them to change the sheets first.

“Oh, you’re awake!” Corey gasped and looked at the man who sat up. “Owen called me and said you fainted. He had to finish your tasks to not delay you, so he asked me to keep an eye on you. Are you okay? Erm, were you so tired from your travel, Milan?”

“…you saw the thing on the wall?”

“Yes, but Owen said someone was messing with you for returning here.” Corey pursed her lips in a line. “I also think the Cliffords didn’t like the fact that you injured their daughter. It’s probably best if you won’t stay alone while you’re here.”

Milan only nodded. Owen didn’t seem to tell them about the mother or that he didn’t believe Milan’s story about it. No matter, at least Corey was not asking questions. He just got up from the bed. “Owen should need my help. I’m going down now.”

Corey nodded before looking down at the letters in her hands. She then organized them all. “I didn’t mean to read these, but they were opened. The paper also looked like my old stationery. I already read a lot before I realized shouldn’t be…”

“Can you hold onto them for me instead? At least Florence won’t find them on me.” Milan just took his jacket and wore it. The warmth made him feel better.

The two of them got out of Florence’s room, and Milan paused to find the open doorway to the bathroom. He wanted to look, but he figured he might end up seeing the worst things in there again. Just earlier, he watched something that resembled their mother get crushed by something he couldn’t even put a label on. Neither did he feel free to tell Owen about it.

Soon enough, Milan looked up at the bare walls of the stairwell. The carved letters were all filled and painted as if Owen was a miracle worker. He didn’t know if it was because Owen was a farmer, and that was why he worked on things swiftly. That didn’t even make sense, but Milan left it that way.

In the family room, more people were helping in moving in the casket and the chairs for the funeral. Some women were working on the flowers and other decorations to make it look like a proper place of mourning. Owen was speaking to the person in charge of the layout.

“The Registry Office sent people to help you. They said you basically asked them to prepare it for you.” Corey hummed and turned in Owen’s direction. “They were also listening to Owen strangely. I guess it’s because he’s the sheriff’s nephew.”

“I did ask for help, but I didn’t realize they would be sending movers.” Milan lifted his brows. He then jogged toward Owen and the person he was talking to. There was even a kind smile as if making sure it would be a likable scene. “I’m sorry for not seeing you as soon as you came. I’m Milan Sheppard. Thank you for coming to help me.”

The person looked at him and stared at him for a moment. He then gasped at his own silent thoughts. “Oh, Mr. Sheppard! Sorry, I almost thought… No matter, yes. The new priestess wanted to make sure the followers of Lasair will have proper funerals and burials. That’s why we’re here.”

Milan blinked and realized Lasair Village really didn’t have any church of some sort. Moreover, they also mentioned this priestess. He figured their religion here was something close to a cult. Then again, he didn’t see any weird idols that would represent the deity Lasair.

He then smiled deeper. “Thanks. I lived outside the island most of my life. I really have no idea if I need to do something special about this.”

“Nothing really. Lasair is a benevolent god to the obedient, even in their deaths. There are no bizarre rituals for the dead as he valued the living more, they said. Then again, Roma here was… Erm, I’m pretty sure Lasair wouldn’t curse her to live her afterlife in vain. She’s not that sinful compared to the others punished by him in their deaths.”

“It’s your normal funeral, Milan.” Owen smiled and then gestured at the far side. “Florence is outside in the garden. You should find and talk to her.”

Milan only nodded and left the people to do what they have to. He didn’t really care about the funeral; he was even aching to get it done as fast as possible. The son went out to the garden again and looked around for his sister. Since she wasn’t anywhere visible, he figured she went inside the shed.

He opened the door and found her sitting on the moldy floor bed. She caressed the veins drawn by the dirt and soon smiled at her brother when she saw him.

“Did I scare you when you heard I passed out?” Milan sat next to her, letting her lean her weight on his body. “I must be very exhausted, way more than I thought.”

“I’m surprised he called for us. I thought he wants to keep you to himself,” Florence murmured into her crossed arms on her knees. She hid her smile from Milan, but the brother could tell from the curve of her eyes. “You look like a princess when you sleep.”

Milan blushed a little and mimic her position. He hid his face against his arms. “I never liked showing my sleeping face to people. Don’t remind me.”

Florence moved her head to lean on his shoulder. “You must be so lucky. You’re really pretty to the eyes, allowed to be admired by the rest. Miss Beaufort must be very happy about it, too. I bet you have a thousand friends, more than Corey’s followers.”

“…it doesn’t matter how many friends are smiling at me. I still prefer speaking to you after a long night of work.” Milan giggled and moved slightly to lean on his arm. “Florence, after all this, we’ll ride an airplane. I will show you the mainland, and we will have a big house, with lots of pretty dresses for you.”

“But you’re the only one they want, Milan.”

Milan wasn’t shocked by her words. He just hid a sneer. “People always want what they can’t have and lose interest when they get it. What’s the point of being wanted?”