I will Be the Bride

It was so strange… and somewhat annoying. Milan was only hoping to put up the wake as part of their village custom; he was not willing to get stuck there for more than two days. However, look. More and more old people were dropping by to say goodbye to Roma. It’s just that… the person they mourned for was a woman who died thirty years ago.

“Hello, Milan.” An old man with a breaking back came to speak with Milan. This was the seventh person tonight. “I haven’t had the chance to meet you after your mom gave birth to you. What a beautiful child. Let me see you closer.”

“Hello, Grandpa.” Milan just had to kneel and let the old man touch his face and feel the healthy skin. Just like the others, this old man had a pair of rather clouded eyes.

The old man smiled and patted his face. “Both you and your sister inherited Roma’s beauty. You should have seen her before she fell ill. Those eyes, however, are certainly her mother’s. I can still remember how she glowed the most when Lasair chose her.”

Milan only stared at the old man, who kept on rubbing his cheek as if the old man was holding someone else. The old man then smiled. “I think what happened to Aisha during her own wedding gave nightmares to Viola and Roma. Even that girl Esperanza grew scared of being married to Lasair. Pitiful girls…”

“My grandmother… was a bride before?” Milan’s eyes flickered.

“Don’t be mistaken. Your grandmother had a daughter with no one to stand as her father. I think she mentioned how Roma’s father was a treasure hunter who left her alone.” The old man laughed a little. “She was then selected as the bride when she reached twenty-five. By then, she had no choice but to leave Roma to her friend’s family.”

“What happened to her? What happened to her wedding?”

The old man blinked and stared at Milan. “Aisha was the most beautiful, just as you are. Men pursued her, but when she was announced as the bride, one of them incurred the wrath of Lasair. He followed the sedan to the shrine and did heinous things to Aisha. When the priestess came to fetch the bride’s clothes, it was her mutilated body that was left on the ground.”

Before Milan could say something, the old man leaned closer. “The man, however, was found in a similarly mutilated state. His belly was cut wide open, and his body was folded backward like a piece of paper. The guts were pulled out, and the tongue was crushed.”

He leaned closer, covering Milan’s vision with his cold eyes. “Like how people are turning up these days. Lasair is angry once again, so it’s best for you not to anger him.”

“Grandpa, you’re scaring him.” Owen cleared his throat, and the old man pulled back to laugh a bit. He then smiled. “Milan, this is Uncle’s dad, Jason. He’s also the one teaching me his trade.”

“Introductions are not needed if we will never see each other again.” Jason moved toward the casket, attracting the eyes and soon the greetings of the other older people.

Milan got to his feet and stared at the old man. “…I don’t have anyone tell me important things about my family here. I didn’t think I’m related to one of the brides before.”

Owen then spotted the police mobile pull up through the window of the family room. He only gestured at Milan before they saw Corbin walk in with Corey and Florence. However, the officer only gave Milan a look that beckoned him to follow. When Milan left for the garden with them, Owen decided to come along. After all, the rage emanating from the officer’s body didn’t sit well with both men.

They found a secluded corner in the garden, and Milan watched Corbin fidget in uncertainty. However, before Milan could say something, Corbin spoke, “Milan, don’t escape. There’s no way they would let you leave now… at least with Florence.”

“Huh?” Not only Milan but even Corey gasped in disbelief.

“Mr. Clifford won the argument. Anne wouldn’t go through the wedding ritual as the bride anymore… Florence will.” Corbin would sugarcoat things, but he didn’t know how to make it any better to the ears. “They said something about it being pre-determined decades ago, how Aunt Roma will carry the next bride or something. They’re dead-set on making Florence stand as the bride.”

Milan only stared at him. He didn’t know how things ended up like this. Even Corey and Florence were rendered speechless by the matter.

Corbin shook his head and used a hand to cover his face. “We need to deliver Florence to the priestess tomorrow at sunset. Else… I don’t want to find out what will happen if we don’t. They are going to prepare for the wedding. There’s no way they will not go through it now.

“Lasair hasn’t had a bride for two generations. He won’t sit still if he won’t get another for the third time.” The officer then eyed Milan. “Milan, I need you to make a decision.”

“No, we can’t let Florence do this! She suffered too much already!” Corey gasped. She then went to grab her brother’s arm. “Corbin, tell me you have a plan. We’re not going to push Florence to…”

Florence fell to the ground and curled up to hide her tears. Corey glanced at her before begging her brother again. It was too much torture.

It’s just that Corbin didn’t want to open his mouth. He had no plans, nor could he fix the situation. He knew it was either Corey or Florence. There was no way he would let his sister catch that notion from his own words.

Corey glanced at Florence and then at Milan, who was only looking away as if thinking or denying the situation they were in. She soon looked at Corbin again. “Corbin, let me do it. I’ll be Lasair’s bride.”

“Wait, what?” Corbin grew shocked. He didn’t know if he heard the right things from his sister’s mouth. “Corey, do you hear yourself? Why are you going to…?”

“Florence has gone through enough. She deserves to have a good life with Milan back in his home outside the island. I’m alone and unmarried. I can be the bride.” Corey stared straight into her brother’s eyes. “I will be the bride.”


Corbin took out his gun, making his sister nervous. Even Florence cried when she saw the older man aimed straight at Milan, who newly turned to listen to their conversation.

The officer hissed. “Make Florence do it, Milan. Else, I will shoot you.”