Greater than Milan

Even if Corbin arrived with them, Milan still reached the Sacred Hut riding Owen’s little delivery truck. He alighted from it from the back, helping Florence with her steps. She was the one who wanted to sit on the back of the truck.

Milan pulled on his dark hood, uncaring if his face was not seen by the other people waiting outside the Sacred Hut. The sedan for the bride was already there, and the bringers quietly waited in the shade.

“That’s a beautiful carriage…” Florence looked at the sedan that she only saw in photos. It was designed differently for every procession, and this year’s sedan was crafted with Esperanza in mind.

Right, the village still thought the one being married to Lasair tonight was Esperanza.

Milan only snorted, especially when Martin ended up meeting his glare. That man waited outside with the city mayor and the sheriff. He should be there to create the illusion that the bride was Esperanza. Milan just felt more repulsed by the idea.

Owen didn’t choose to enter, but Milan decided to go with his sister to offer support. Corbin wanted to go, but Milan only convinced him to wait for them outside. After all, he would have to lead the procession as the officers clearing the path.

“Welcome to the Sacred Hut,” the priestess greeted them. “The sun is setting. Let us start with the preparations with the bride.”

“I’m entering with her. I hope you don't mind.” Milan didn’t wait for her answer, but the priestess didn’t even say anything.

The creaky and heavy double doors closed behind them, and the crowd outside could only wait for the departure of the bride.

Inside, Milan and Florence looked around the dim-lit hallway of the Hut. It was still a big building, but the hallway leading to the bride’s chamber was wide enough for ten people to walk side by side. There were also portraits on the walls, but the place was too dark for them to see who those were.

Before the priestess reached the double doors to the chamber, Milan began to enact his plan. He took out something from inside his hood and aimed a gun at the priestess. When he did so, Florence froze.

“Priestess, sorry, you’re not taking Florence as the bride.” Milan clicked the hammer. “I’m doing it.”

Outside, Andrew arrived with another officer. The three of them, including Corbin and Boris, were going to join the procession to keep the crowd from getting too close to the sedan. It’s just that Andrew’s face was as if he was beaten up by a child. He would cry if someone teased him about it.

Corbin noticed this junior and frowned at him. Since the other officer was in a bad mood, he couldn’t help but let Andrew take on his slight anger. “Hey, what happened to you? Did you get your wallet picked?”

“Uh, it’s not my wallet, sir.” Andrew was wary of letting Boris hear them. “It’s my gun. I lost it. It was still with me earlier when I came to the Sheppard Residence. How much is the penalty for that?”

“Are you crazy? Money can’t cover that. Report before someone kills using your gun. How could you be like this?”

“Sorry. I was so distracted by Milan… I mean, I think it was because…”

Andrew could concoct a story, but Corbin was too stunned to answer. He then turned to the Hut. “He better not…”

Inside, the priestess only stared at the gun. She was not even fazed until she started making a noise.

“That looks like a service firearm. Who lent you their gun?” The priestess, despite the face cover, still struck Milan as laughing. “Did you figure out no one would know if you switched with your sister now? After all, no one is allowed to touch the bride or lift the veil after they put on the garb.”

“Yeah, and you’re letting me keep this gun with me. It goes without saying that you cannot tell others about this, too.” Milan smiled at the seemingly amused priestess. “So… what do you say, Priestess?”

The priestess turned her head away and opened the chamber’s doors. “Look inside for me, Milan Sheppard. Then tell me what you think my answer is. Keep the gun. You won’t need it.”

Milan twitched inwardly, but he only lowered the gun as he walked ahead. Florence followed behind him, and they found themselves in another big room. The bride’s garb for the ceremony was hanging from a mannequin, and the priestess only stood at the side.

Surrounding them were murals that depicted Lasair’s reign and the people’s promise of giving him a bride to accompany him for eternity. Every thirty years, the village would send an unmarried woman with unrivaled beauty to stand as the deity’s bride. It equated to a generation of prosperity and security. Florence’s eyes grew wider at the huge painting of Lasair on the part of the ceiling that faced them.

“No way…” Milan whispered, even dropping the hand holding the gun. He stared straight at the painting of Lasair, clearly making out the half-body of the deity clad with white radiance.

Its huge hands were like jointed segments that could grab a full human, and its flowing hair was akin to the flowers dancing to the wind. The most striking detail was the doll head that showed off a haunting yet beautiful face carved into it.

This was Lasair. The entity that kept on showing up around him was no one else but Lasair.

“Do you understand now, Milan?” The priestess chuckled. “There is no need to threaten me. If you beg us to release Florence, I will simply ask for you. After all, only the bride can see Lasair.”

“What?” Florence reacted with shock. She then saw how Milan froze at the sight of the painting. “You… have been seeing Lasair? Milan, where did you see him?”

Milan used his other hand to cover his mouth. “At both times Esperanza tried to kill herself, he gave me a choice to save her or watch her die. He also protected me from ghosts… twice.”

He handed the gun to Florence and approached the garb to get a closer look at the painting overhead. “You were only baiting me, huh? Why me, though? I’m not a woman.”

“No one said the bride must be a woman. They only needed to be unmarried and possess otherworldly beauty.” The priestess walked closer to him. “Time is of the essence, Milan. We have to get you ready for the procession.”

“Florence, you know the plan. Change into my clothes and meet Owen outside when we’re done.” Milan turned to face his sister, sporting a small smile. “I guess Lasair and I have much to talk about later.”

Yes, he wanted to have answers if he could ask questions. After all, he was only prepared to escape with Florence and the rest tonight. Now that he had found out the truth, he needed to know if Lasair was willing to let him go.

Or what he had to do to escape the supposed powerful deity who was just defeated by a single man. That man was not even anything greater than a Milan Sheppard.