Can't Fly Anymore

Even if Milan wanted to speak to the city mayor, he was still asked to return to the Sacred Hut. He was staying in the private bathroom for now, brushing his hair to make it look better. The breeze in the village was different, and his hair was reacting to the salt coming from the sea.

Moreover, he also managed to score a cassette player that Corey had brought earlier. After tying his hair up in a clean bun, he moved to the space behind the cloth chamber. Since it was in the middle of the chamber, Milan still had a wide space behind it. He placed the player on the ground and sorted through the supposed dance music the old ones had in their little village.

Milan would have used his smartphone, but Melba confiscated such a worldly item. That was why he just opted to make use of the cassette player. Guessing the functions of the buttons, Milan made the thing play music. For a moment, he was only listening, visualizing how to dance to it.