I'm Not even In Love with You

“…no, I chose to stay.” Milan chuckled with a helpless smile. Everyone who knew him in that village knew how much Milan wanted to leave if he was given a choice.

However, in the face of his friends, he couldn’t even just ask them to take him away.

“That doesn’t sound convincing.” Eugene frowned. Then he glanced at the sour faces of the councilmen. “Miles, we have no orders to take you, but tell us if you want to leave. I’m so sure Dolcezza will wreck an island open for you.”

Milan pursed his lips. His hand clutched at the robes of the white robe. He then glanced behind him, catching a glimpse of Owen, who still kept his eyes on the sky. Didn’t he already tell Owen that he was no longer interested in leaving the village? It’s just that… his friends even had to arrive in a superyacht. Knowing Davion, he was so sure they didn’t come there with just themselves.