Love Me in His Stead

“How about you? Are you not upset with me anymore?” Milan took a chance. This man couldn’t have forgotten the swords spoken just mere minutes ago.

“…you may not harbor romantic feelings for me, but you continue to value the village. That means you will not leave too soon.” Owen glanced at the bride looking up at him, the apprentice liking how the lone crystal blue eye glittered below the thick lashes and reddened lids.

He kissed a flower on Milan’s face to not smudge anything. “I still have time to change your mind.”

Milan only chuckled as he looked up ahead. Owen was hoping to make him fall in love? Wasn’t he the deity’s bride? If a devoted servant like Owen Bloodworth said so, then… Milan was becoming more and more certain of his deduction.

They only continued to trek the woods to get to the shrine. Just like how Milan remembered the path from the wedding, the hills were steep. However, one could easily manage if they knew where to step.