A Dancing Team

“He can speak now?”

Corbin expected the question since he started making noises when he woke up from his nap. He also began to feel hunger and thirst as if his body had finally responded to him. However, his body couldn’t still move like normal. The most important was his voice, so he was still happy about it.

He just didn’t know what he should make out of it. Milan had been asking for all sorts of miracles. What could have that guy done to make things happen for him?

“I was hoping to pray to the great Lasair as thanks.” Corey smiled as she rolled the wheelchair inside. “I also brought food for lunch. Where did Milan go?”

“He said he was going to the great Lasair’s shrine in the woods.” Melba attended to the woman who had been helping keep the Sacred Hut tidy. This woman was Milan’s childhood friend, even the daughter of that woman who took care of them when Roma didn’t.