Living with Monsters (1)

In the end, he just turned away. “If I could quantify it properly, I’ll let you know. Just try not to bring out his wrath upon yourself.”

The doctor snorted, but he just leaned his face on a hand. He stared at Corey instead. “Is your brother for real? How could you even buy his bullshit?”

“…I watched Milan summon the rains to disperse the fire that ate the village. I saw him pull a service boat from the sea and fed the people with produce. There was even a time when he foretold the disasters on the island.” Corey glared at the man. “I believe in Milan’s power rooting from the great Lasair. If his enemies are real, then… I’m sure this village is prepared for them… under the Bloodworth family.”

“The Bloodworth family?” Davion lifted his eyebrows. “Isn’t that the same last name you have for that Owen guy? And the Sheriff? So, what? Are they the guardians of the village?”

“And they’re quite doing a terrible job at that…”