Memory of One's Return

Milan’s face twitched, but he still received the folder. He opened it carefully and saw photos of a seemingly familiar person. Moreover, her eyes were likely the same as his. It was Aisha Lindsey’s file.

“Isn’t she a local of this place? Why does she have a missing person’s file from the mainland? Wait, when was this filed?” Milan soon realized the paper was rather old but preserved well. He reviewed the typewritten account quietly.

“Do your reading somewhere or take my table. I’m not babysitting you, though.” Corbin rolled his wheelchair away and eyed Owen, who had not moved away just yet. He then whispered, “Owen, will you get the deputy to come here?”

With a sudden heavy gaze on the officer’s face, Owen answered, “He will be here. What are you trying to achieve by giving Milan that case file?”