Not Leaving Without You

When Milan and Melba turned, the black helicopter’s loud sounds entered their earshot. Everyone in the plaza turned to find a huge military-grade chopper slowing down as if trying to land on their island. The candles fought to keep themselves alive, the maidens up front trying to use their bodies to cover the flames, but they felt how the winds seemed to blow the other way to preserve the wisps.

“What is that thing doing here?” Ferell frowned as they watched the chopper hover at the far side of the wide plaza. However, he pulled out his gun when the passengers threw steel ropes out of the sliding doors. Even the other officers decided to take out their service firearms.

“They just left days ago…” Corbin whispered, catching Corey’s attention. Out of all trained officers, Corbin was the only one who didn’t take out a weapon. It was as if he could recognize the chopper… or the only people who would dare send such a thing to their tiny island.