3.7 Private affair

Shu XinYi woke up in his room, or well the guest room since Lan Cheng was living in his room. He clearly remembered last night sleeping on the couch. How did I end up Here?

"Master, Xiang Li he cleaned you like before and carried you to your room since there is no clean space to lie down in the studio. Oh and he also reminded you to call him once you wake up, You were sleeping like a pig so I am reminding you." ~Snow year xxxx

Shu XinYi: (¬_¬;) hehe ah ... come on man give me some points for staying conscious through our exercise.

Snow didn't even reply as it played the scene where Shu XinYi had totally fainted and Xiang Li tried to wake him up but he slept like a pig.

╥﹏╥ oh man..

Shu XinYi washed himself first then he called Xinag Li to assure him that he was okay, except the pain in his unspeakable spaces.

"I.. I wanted to make break fast for you." Xiang Li said out of nowhere.

"hmm? it's okay you can do so some other time" Shu XinYi said.

"No.. I .. I really wanted to make breakfast for you. I want to make lunch for you as well. I am at work but I keep thinking that I.. I want to make lunch for you. I don't know why but I really want to."

Shu XinYi smiled saying "Is that so. hehe."

"yeah, really. Who does the cooking usually at your house?"

"You are my cameramen and as of yesterday my manager and now you want to become my cook too?" Shu XinYi joked.

Xiang Li very seriously and firmly replied "Yeah, I want to be your everything."

Shu XinYi replied with a blushed face "idiot."


"I want to see you."

"hmm, meet me after 4 at the district A mall. There is a new art supply store opening up so let's go there."

"Okay," Shu XinYi said.

Shu XinYi changed and went out. Today really was a good day, even the weather was really nice. Shu XinYi drove to the mall after meeting with his mother in the company, on the way. Mrs.Lan didn't say much but just advised Lan Xiao to buy some shares from her at a low price but as Lan Xiao, Shu XinYi politely refused.

It was not that Shu XinYi didn't want to buy the company shares but now wasn't the right time. So he did give mrs.Lan some hints that he would be buying them in the future.

Shu XinYi gave his car to the valet and entered the mall. It was 15 minutes to 4 so Shu XinYi asked about where the new shop was and went inside the shop to look around. The materials weren't bad, actually Shu XinYi wanted some new brushes and pallets so he looked and evaluated the materials.

Shu XinYi was standing beside a rack which displayed various brushes of different sizes. He was examining closely so he didn't notice when some one beside him said "it's particularly standard, nothing worth looking at. The store itself fits this definition. You know this better than me so then why are you here? Is it just curiosity or are you here to wait for someone?"

Shu XinYi had noticed half way through, the familiar voice that he heard beside him. He turned around to look at the person but instead of saying anything he looked around the store and sure enough he saw an other familiar person with a mask, near the canvases. The person, although had a mask but obviously Shu XinYi could recognize him as they shared the same faces.

Yes it was Lan Cheng and Xue Yao that Shu XinYi was looking at. Shu XinYi knew that they would go shopping today and it was reasonable why they would chose the same mall but what were they doing at an art store?

"So You are waiting for someone. Don't worry I will take your brother away without him noticing you. Today he should focus more on me anyway." Xue Yao said when they saw Lan Xiao looking around and his face changed when he saw Lan Cheng.

"Focus more on you? Are you here with Gege?" Shu XinYi said with an innocent face.

Xue Yao gaped for a while before finally forming a sentence "Ah, you know your brother and I are uh um... XiaoXiao you see your brother he.."

"We are here on a date, XiaoXiao. This is Xue Yao, the person I told you about. A,Xue this is my brother but I assume you already know each other." Lan Cheng who was at the other corner a second ago had already teleported to where they were. He had a subtle smile on his face and he was happy to introduce them to each other.

Xue Yao although hadn't expected Lan Cheng to be so open about their date but Xue Yao was happy.

"Yeah, me and XiaoXiao have already met but nice to meet you again XiaoXiao." Xue Yao said extending their hand. Shu XinYi shook their hand politely reintroduced himself. He didn't get a chance to question why Lan Cheng was in the art shop when he saw Xiang Li, Shu XinYi waved to him to indicate where he was. When Lan Cheng and Xue Yao saw Xiang Li come their way, they both said.

"The detective?"

"The cameramen?"

Both looked at each other then at Xiang Li then at Shu XinYi. Awaiting an explanation.

"Let's move to the cafeteria to sit down and talk shall we." Shu XinYi said.

It took 15 minutes to introduce them to each other and understand what was going on. The part about this being a date for Xiang Li and Shu XinYi was omitted but the rest was explained.

Xue Yao was the first to speak up after "Oh, Mr.detective then won't our XiaoXiao get in trouble if he hangs around with you during the case?"

Xiang Li made a troubled face and wanted to say who is your XiaoXiao? But then he just said "I don't involve my detective work with other matters. We have a private affair so it won't bother my superiors or the judgement of the court."

Well that was definitely a way to put it Shu XinYi thought.

"Private affair?" Lan Cheng asked with a stern voice.

"Gege..." Shu XinYi said.

"What? Isn't his wording a little too conspicuous? What kind of "private affairs" do you have with my brother." Lan Cheng said.

"It is a "private affair" that's all you need to know and understand." Xiang Li said with a cold intimidating aura.

Shu XinYi could see the mood turn tense so he said "I have something to discuss with Yao ge so Lifen-.." Shu XinYi paused and looked at Xiang Li's face and saw no reluctance so he continued in a softer tone "So LiFeng and gege why don't you bring us some snacks and drinks? Don't you think Yao ge?"

Xue Yao smiled and nodded giving "the eyes" to Lan Cheng. Xue Yao had a lot more emotional intelligence then Lan Cheng so they could already see what was going on and so they helped Lan Xiao without thinking.

Xiang Li obviously stood up since his little bunny said that he was hungry then he has to give him lots of delicious food. Lan Cheng too stood up and went with Xiang Li.

"So, XiaoXiao why don't you just tell your brother that you are with Mr.detetive?" Xue Yao teased XiaoXiao a bit but he didn't expect XiaoXiao to not get shy at all instead he confidently replied "Right now isn't the right time, both my mother and brother are protective of me so I don't want to trouble them. Once the case is solved and so... me .. Some peace is gained . Then I will just tell him." Shu XinYi almost said song XingChen, it would be difficult to explain to Xue Yao why he said so.

Shu XinYi waved his hand and continued "Anyway, The thing I wanted to talk to you about. You can take your time to think but please do tell me your answer by the end of this week.Then, Will you model for me ? Yao ge."

Xue Yao squinted their eyes to see if Lan Xiao was joking... nope he's serious. Xue Yao breathed deeply before saying "You want me to model for you... I mean I am pretty confident in myself but you sure you want me to do it?"

Shu XinYi nodded and said "Yeah, the sculpture I wanna make is of a fallen angel who's heart has been ripped out for being unrighteousness. Although his wings are broken he is happy like he has been relieved of some burden. I want a model for reference when I make it. So I think that your body type fits well with my imagination.".

Xue Yao hummed and hummed some more as they thought. Then the thing they finally asked was "Do I have to be naked in front of you?"

Shu XinYi said "Well not fully. You do have to be shirtless though and I would want to examine a little above your knee. You can always say no but I would appreciate if you don't leave mid project. You only have to be there for less than a week until I finish my drafts and sketches."

Xue Yao hummed some more and said "Give me two days to think about it."

Shu XinYi smiled and said "Thankyou for considering it. Oh after we eat I will take Xiang Li home with me so enjoy your date. My brother can be stupid sometimes but he is a good man."

Xue Yao said with a smirk "You trying to be my wing man or do you just want to be home alone with Mr.Detective."

Shu XinYi pouted a little saying "I want to cook for him, so.. so can you make it so that Gege comes back atleast after dinner?"

Xue Yao smiled and said "Okay. It works out for me as well, XiaoXiao." At this moment both Xiang Li and Lan Cheng arrived so they didn't discuss it any further.

The atmosphere between Lan Cheng and Xiang Li had only worsened. Even though they look the same, my Xiao Qi is so different from him humph not worthy of having a face like him at all. A very moody side of Xiang Li thought. Why is this detective working as a cameramen with my XiaoXiao... he's definitely planning to deceive him , a very elder brotherly side of Lan Cheng thought.

Shu XinYi behaved like he wasn't aware of them at all and just enjoyed his chicken tenders and rice. Xiang Li's mood had improved by a lot seeing his Xiao Qi stuffing his cheeks like a rabbit. Xiang Li was seriously considering to start calling him little bunny (Xiao tuzi). The more he looks at this little bunny the more he wants to keep looking and never stop.

After eating Shu XinYi didn't have to do a lot to convince Xiang Li to head back home.

Meanwhile Xue Yao and Lan Cheng went around the mall shopping for casual wear. Xue Yao was really good at understanding people and thought that, the way people shop, tells a lot more about their personality than any thing else. Xue Yao wasn't looking for any boxes to check but they just wanted to make sure there were no red flags. Lan Cheng had a naturally good taste in fashion and accessories. He did offer to pay, but when Xue Yao said that they would do it themselves, Lan Cheng didn't interfere.

This time was so peaceful for Xue Yao, even in the brightly lit mall with a lot of sensory information, Xue Yao didn't felt worn out like they usually do in crowded places. Xue Yao actually liked being here today, they liked the bright lights, the background noises of the people, the annoying song playing on the speakers. Everything felt not so uninteresting today.

Xue Yao didn't know they could feel this way, to feel so ... so free. Even though they didn't show it, for Xue Yao everyday was just passing by. At times they won't even be aware of what they are doing, who they are talking to. Like they were missing from this world. Somehow everything was annoying but so worthless that Xue Yao didn't put any energy to feel the world around themself.

There was also this underlying uneasiness that had crept up with the overwhelming emotions in Xue Yao's heart. Like everything was happening at such a fast pace, so much that it might pass by if Xue Yao closes his eyes for a second. Xue Yao hadn't realised that they had started panicking and self blaming about how they can never live in the moment without overthinking about stuff. Lan Cheng noticed that Xue Yao who was having a good time suddenly made a troubled face like they were scared of something. Lan Cheng didn't understand people well but he could tell that something was wrong.

He held Xue Yao's hand and walked towards an empty corner and said "Do you want to go back?"

Xue Yao said "No, why..uh." Xue Yao felt very weird like all their energy had been used up like their brain felt like it had run a marathon.

Lan Cheng didn't said anything and hugged Xue Yao. Xue Yao also didn't say any thing and just hugged him back. Xue Yao didn't feel anything at this moment, like there is quota of how much they are capable of feeling everyday and right now their quota had finished. Xue Yao just wanted to relax their head, so they did so. For five minutes they just stood there hugging each other without a care for the world around.

When they finally parted Lan Cheng said "It's okay, let's go somewhere quieter. Okay?"

Xue Yao agreed and they drove to somewhere far. Xue Yao was quiet for most of the ride but they felt much more peaceful now. After calming down a bit Xue Yao finally said "I was having a good time, really I was but I don't know. Somehow a switch just flipped and I became like that."

"It's okay, it's understandable. If you don't like staying in crowded places for long then you shouldn't have forced yourself. You should've told me. Next time when you feel like that just tell me okay?" Lan Cheng said.

"Don't you think it's weird? To me it's so weird that even though I was having a really good time somehow my brain can't take that place anymore. It becomes like tight around my chest suddenly. I don't know why." Xue Yao said doing little hand movements.

Lan Cheng said "You are the way you are, it's not weird. It's natural if you can't be around lots of people or things for long. So next time when you feel overwhelmed or it becomes tight around your chest then just take a break from the world."

Xue Yao felt a lot more calm now after they got some clarity about the situation. Lan Cheng drove for longer since it didn't seemed like Xue Yao wanted to get out of the car. They didn't talk much but it was a comfort zone that they had created for each other where they could stay without worrying about unnecessary things.

Shu XinYi and Xiang Li first did some grocery. On the way back home Xiang Li asked XiaoXiao to make a stop at his home since he needed some stuff. Xiang Li had walked from his office to the mall since it was close by and he also wanted to ride with XiaoXiao on the way back. From his home XiangLi took the main laptop and SD card he used for recording.

Back at Lan Xiao's home no one was present, Xue An was although Lan Xiao's manager it was Mrs.Lan who had appointed him to help Lan Xiao with his very first gallery. So Mrs.Lan had called him back to work for her again once the show was over. Shu XinYi practiced in the studio for an hour before he started to make dinner meanwhile XiangLi was busy working on his laptop.

Sometimes XiangLi would glimpse at Shu XinYi cooking dinner in the kitchen but he didn't look for more than a second because he might never be able to stop. It was like he was drowning but ever so lightly that you won't even notice your breath shortening slowly. This man is so precious to me, Xiang Li thought admiring his lover.