4.0 78 hours a day

Shu XinYi returned to the black space. His emotional bearing had improved by a lot. The last time Leo died, Shu XinYi had cried a lot while arranging his funeral. This time he didn't cry because he knew he would see his amnesiac husband in the next world.

The space around him started to have a subtle change in energy. Slowly the energy levels rose until Shu XinYi and Snow both understood that they had entered E class worlds.

"Entering Interstellar ruins." Snow said.


"Master, I received a notification from the server I took over. It probably means that this world level is based around different species more then just humans and parallel universes. So the world would be more foreign then what you have experienced up till now, around humans and one kind of universe."

"Ah, I now get why I heard "Deathless Humanity" before I entered the very first world." Shu XinYi said as he closed his eyes and entered his mind space. He vitalized the excessive energy and the red glowing ball in the middle, glowed brighter and brighter. The shape extended until in th center of the red ball, a small orange glow begun to take shape. It was a really light orange but it could be clearly seen.

Shu XinYi knew that this spritual energy was something he got from that unidentifiable being, or more accurately whenever that unidentifiable being kissed him or even during intercourse, they pacified his own spiritual energy. Like an on button, it turned on the flow of spiritual energy within Shu XinYi. So Shu XinYi vitalized this energy properly.

He was there for a longer time then the last time he vitalized energy. It was understandable though since the amount of energy was more.

Once Shu XinYi knew that there was no excessive energy, he woke up from his meditative state and allowed Snow to enter the next world. He had already stored the two different viruses in his chipset. Although the 2 codes were far from complete, they had started to take shape.

Snow found an opening in the next completed world and entered with Master.

Shu XinYi had fainted due to the intense pain in his abdomen. Although Shu XinYi didn't even get time to look, he could tell that his belly looked more like mince meat than human skin. Shu XinYi cursed Snow for once again putting him in a situation like this.

He slowly regained his consciousness after who knows how much time had passed. The pain in his abdomen had subsided by a lot and he could finally breathe without having his innards spill out. Shu XinYi felt a warm feeling eloping his abdomen so with much effort he sat up and looked down at his abdomen.

Looking down he was very confused. What he saw was, pure warm red blood covering his abdomen but Shu XinYi felt that this blood was a bit weird. First of all the blood was still warm, fresh. It also wasn't his own blood since he knew that his belly had been stitched up. The blood was actually very weird since it seems to have it's own soul. Even when Shu XinYi has sat up, the warm blood didn't flow down his body but instead waved around his abdomen as if soothing his wounds. The blood also didn't stain his abdomen with blood marks, like jelly it had a state in between solid and liquid.

The blood clot seemed to have noticed that the person had woken up so he shyly slipped off his abdomen and floted in the air like a small red ball. Shu XinYi tilted his face looking at this bizzare thing, the blood ball also shifted as if it too had tilted his head trying to uncover the strange being in front of it. Shu XinYi put his hand forward and the blood clot shifted back as if it was scared. Shu XinYi blinked his eyes saying "It's ok, You can rest here. Aren't you cold like this?" Shu XinYi didn't understand why he saying these words but they just felt right in this moment.

The blood clot shifted from left to right as if contemplating Shu XinYi's words. The blood clot shaped a part of itself into a finger and extended it to touch Shu XinYi's hands. The hand was so warm and comfortable. The blood clot, as if it was in a trance slowly wrapped itself around Shu XinYi's hand to make itself warm.

Shu XinYi smiled looking at his red hands saying "Stay, with me, you'll stay warm. Take it as my thanks for helping with my wound."

The blood clot didn't give any reaction so Shu XinYi let it be.

Finally looking at his surrounding, Shu XinYi found himself in a dark dry cave. There were some holes on the sealing letting golden strips of light shine through. The dust particles clearly visible within the rays. Inside the cave was a settled cold. It was not a bone chilling cold but more of a comforting cold that wrapped it self around your body. Through the leaking rays of the sun Shu XinYi investigated the inside of this large cave. At the end of a particular direction was a small pool. Or more of a natural fountain lake.

The glistening water was flowing through the rocks pouring into a small pool of clear water. The area around was slightly smoky and Shu XinYi could tell that the water was mildly hot. Perfect for a bath. Shu XinYi looked down at his battered and bloody body and felt that this was a good time to bath. He first confirmed from Snow that there wasn't anything harmful in doing so, then he stepped inside the water, after removing all his clothes.

He was carefully not to put his left hand inside the water as the blood clot was still there, probably sleeping.

Finally feeling his body muscles losen up Shu XinYi allowed Snow to relay the information about this world.

Shu XinYi was a sterile omega named Sceptor 26 years old.The planet that he was currently on was called "Sivaal ( Sai-va-al)".

This was an inhabitable planet with a very small surface area of about 1000 km radius. Although it was a small planet, it had a very good geographical lining. From high mountains, to clean flowing rivers, to a fertile dessert, to huge forests. Obviously there were no urban settlements here, so the whole planet was shrouded in forests and mountains. Which meant that there were caves and resources. Rich resources.

The Esperance was the main power in Supho galaxy. It had evolved with its people in science and technology. Along with the rapid growth of the population, the Ministry of stars was always on the lookout for habitable and resourceful planets. The ministry of stars discovered Sivaal but they wanted to make sure that the planet was habitable. This is when the MOS(ministry of stars) put forward an initiative for an investigation team. The problem was that there was civil war being fought on the frontline, so the mecha pilots and army men were already buzy.

Those who were not, had already experienced second hand what it was like to enter an unknown environment. A similar expedition ended in 100% deaths the last time they tried to do this. Not even a rescue mission was instigated to ensure of any survivors. So no one from the army was willing to form an investigation expedition.

The MOS was obviously not going to leave this planet which actually glowed with spritual energy, only heaven knows how rich the minerals must be. So they turned to the only humans that could be made into guinea pigs with public permission. The convicts.

Not the small time convicts, but criminals who committed 3rd degree murder(s), spies of other galaxies, those who theft more then $100000, and rebellion groups. Obviously the ministry wasn't going to fully go against human rights since they needed a positive public opinion, so they asked all the convicts who fell in the category, if they would do it. Although their life is not guaranteed, the MOS said that it will be on lookout for them "Always".

In return the convicts were forgiven of their rest of the years and allowed to live a normal life after probation for the first few years. Many young and middle aged convicts signed up, since they had reason and determination.

Sceptor, who Shu XinYi was now, had also come in this expedition. His crime was marrige fraud of over $100000. Once the space ship with a 7000 people landed in Sivaal, it became a living hell. There were not only undiscovered beasts but those beasts had developed consciousness and they were hungry. A day after the ship had landed 150 people were already killed including the Spaceship pilots and some army members sent for travel purposes.

The drones could only sent this much footage to the MOS before all the drones were taken down by flying beasts. The MOS tactically retreated from the expedition, no longer involving with it. Right now they didn't have the resources to fight those beasts and the people sent were as good as dead so they announced it as just a tragic feat and the event was forgotten by the rest of Esperance in no time.

Meanwhile in Sivaal, Sceptor and the rest of the convicts, went through actual living hell, just without any fire.

At this monement 478 people were dead and the remaining were doing there best to survive. The problem with survival was not just the beasts, but basic things such as food and shelter. Living in the current society, even prisons were so advanced that they didn't have to worry about food. So now not only having to find appropriate food sources and learning to cook them but also finding a safe place to rest at night was as difficult as building an SSS class mecha in a single day.

It was even more difficult once you were injured since these beast with high sensitivity could trace you back with your scent.

There were 3 kinds of beasts present, The first ones were called eatables by the survivors. Which meant that these beasts were unpoisonous and easy to capture. They included small bird like creatures and some rabid animals with ferocious features.

The second kind was hunters, They were the ones to be scared of. They hunted down any human in their vicinity but they were also relatively slow in speed so if one used their brain they could mange to escape. There was also forms, something that both hunters and eatables were scared of.

Forms was some kind of spritual power that the survivors who were deployed more to the north had slowly started developing. Obviously the ones in the south had started developing them as well but they had less control over spritual fields. Which meant that whatever was giving them this power was something settled in the north, probably a mine of spiritually rich minerals.

Using the forms, The survivors learned to bend spritual energy into shapes, mostly weapons to battle hunters and prey on eatables.

"Sceptor too had developed forms within his spritual veins. Since your spritual bearing is better then Sceptor so the forms have expanded within your spritual veins. Your forms are of the "moon" kind so the power of 7 moons is what exemplifies your power. The cycle of the day here is 78 hours when one moon rises and settles, giving rise to the second moon, a new day starts."

Shu XinYi looked at the golden rays shining on the water saying "So this is.."

Snow "Yeah, that's the golden moon. Last day of the "week" Black, blue, purple, red, broze, silver, white, golden. That's how the cycle goes. During a 78 hour "day" only 6 hours the moon is not out and your form becomes powerless. And when the moon is at it's seams your forms are more power-"

Shu XinYi was getting bored with this so he said "Yeah. yeah. I get it I'll learn to survive with what I have. Tell me more about the protagonist of this world. Oh and also the third kind of beasts."

Snow swiftly changed the topic "The protagonist of this world is an omega of A class physical bearing and S class spritual. His name is Luxin, and he is around 24. His crime was killing his step brother's fiance out of unknown reasons. Later on when he came to this planet, he had a really high sptitual bearing as an S level. He was also deployed more north so he developed strong forms from the beginning. Later on he met with the second protagonist and discovered a blue stone mine in the north. He realised that those stones could expand his spritual veins but since there were many humans here, the power of those stones was divided. So he used his forms to overpower other beasts and along with the second protagonist he purged the remaining population of survivors. Later on once he reached a height he was satisfied with, he made a radio station and tried to contact the outside world. Some 10 years later he was rescued and helped Esperance, becoming the strongest omega of many centuries."

Shu XinYi didn't need to question as Snow explained more "The second protagonist is a Verr beast, a powerful being. There are only 3 powerful beings on this planet, the second protagonist is one of them. An ancient beast that was born on this planet and is much more powerful then a 1000 hunters together. He is a water guardian named Eclipse, his appearance is that of a shape shifting blue wolf. The second powerful being is an earth spirit, that has existed on this planet for who knows how many years, named Shira. It doesn't participate in any major events of the main story. The third is fire Qilin, which takes the shape of a Qilin and also a pheonix like bird. That's why he is called LóngFéng (Dragon pheonix) by the other beasts. This title is mostly because of his seniority. His real name is Xuval. He can shape shift into a human too just like the second protagonist. Although he is a lot more powerful than anything on this planet but since he ran away from home for some reason and resided on this very planet for again "Some reason", his power had significantly declined. In the original story line Luxin and Ecslipse later defeated a weakened Xuval to properly own this land."

Shu XinYi understood most of it and asked the most important question "One, What is this blod clot? And two, why the hell were my innards ripped out?"

Snow said "One, I Don't know, because there is no record of this blood clot. Two, You were just barely scratched by a very injured Xuval who was wounded from a fight with Eclipse, who attacked with an army of some 1500 hunters."

Shu XinYi focused on the words "barely scratched" and remembered the bloody mess he was in when he entered the world. How strong was this Xuval, that Sceptor nearly died from "Barely scratched".

Overviewing the whole story line Shu XinYi remembered Xiang Li's words "The worlds will become a lot harsher." Well that was true.

About the blood clot, Shu XinYi looked at the red "glove" on his hand that was really warm and thought "It's cute" Well it won't be too bad to have this travel companion. Shu XinYi thought that once he finds his amnesiac husband, he would ask him what this is, he would definitely know.

Shu XinYi got out of the bath and wore the clothes he had previously been wearing. He felt something move on his left hand so he opened his palm in front of him. The blod clot which was wrapped around like a glove was now floating as a ball over his hand.

"What happened?" Shu XinYi said, Although it was a blood clot Shu XinYi knew that it could understand him.

The blood clot shaped itself like a fire, then a skewer, then again a fire and a skewer.

"Are you hungry?" Shu XinYi asked curiously .

The blood clot slowly nodded. So Shu XinYi asked again "What do you want to eat?"

The blood clot quickly shaped itself in to a fire and remained that way.

"You want to eat fire?"

The blood clot nodded again.

Snow answered the unasked question in Shu XinYi's brain "Master, Since your form is of the moon you can make different stuff from different moons. The golden and red moon are the only ones that can make fire. The quality depends on the bearing of the form owner but it will be much purer than natural fire. Since today the golden moon is out then you should feed this blood clot since you won't be able to make fire for the next 234 hours. Oh you can also save some energy in your reserves, so that when the golden or red moon is not present you can still make fire. You can make fire using the natural methods as well but those kinds of fire won't cook the flesh of eatables easily. Also this blood clot might only want that pure fire."

Shu XinYi thanked the blood clot for being hungry since he now knew this very important fact. Shu XinYi, a glutton could barely go 24 hours without food, under the meticulous care of his amnesiac husband.

Author notes:

There it is, new arc. Hope you found this read interesting uptill now. Please do comment your opinions and critiques, I would really appreciate it. Also if you like this book then please rate and support it. Hope Y'all have a nice day.