5.13 Craze born of geed

"There might be a reason, but there is no point brooding over it now. Show me the baby dragon's PoV quick." Shu XinYi said urgently.

After seeing a little boy standing in the middle of the woods, looking at the lake in front of him; In the middle of the lake was a glowing halo that lit up the surrounding area. Both Saye and Shu XinYi quickly worked to find a way through the woods to reach the place where the boy was.

The boy seemed lost in thought, unaware of the dangers that awaited him. "Let's stay here. The child must be scared to trust anyone. We can just help from here. I'll cover the north and west, you cover the rest." Shu XinYi said after pondering over the matter.

The young dragon had been through God knows what, while living with Bane. Who knows how he ended up here. Why would he be even willing to trust them?

Saye said in agreement, "Ok than. FengYi is in a state of daze. He is young so he can't control the power of the Dào pearl floating into him. The Dào pearl's call makes people crazy for power, so be careful when combating. You don't have to worry about me, I can handle this calling for power well. But others can't, Just keep this in mind when you battle."

Shu XinYi listened to it all, but there was one thing that surprised him, he said with a shocked expression, "His name is FengYi(Peak of harmony/joy)?"

Saye nodded saying, "Yeah, Huang FengYi. I named him. Why? Is it a bad name?"

Shu XinYi was more then baffled as he said, "N-no. It's a good name. Go on."

Shu XinYi then went to guard the area. The people showing up would not be easy to deal with. Because they all had been called by the Dào pearl, as those who had the potential to be kings.

FengYi, heh, that really is a good name. Shu XinYi thought. I was going to take care of that child regardless but this is just..

Shu XinYi didn't have time to think more as he heard voices of two people approaching from the north; this is where they too just came from. Shu XinYi didn't have a weapon so he broke a fairly sturdy branch that could be easily handled. The woods were not as dark as the night should be; because of the shining light from the lake. So when the two people neared, Shu XinYi could see their troubled young faces.

"Zi? Yuè? What are you doing here? Is this a time to be out and about? In a place this abandoned to say the least? Don't go any further, your life is at risk." Shu XinYi said with a stern voice. The dangers would only improve as the night progresses. How can he afford to have the princes here? Why were they even here in the first place?

"Master Calian, I came because I felt something calling for me. I don't know how to explain it. All I can describe is a power that calls me demanding to become mine." Yuè said bowing, but Shu XinYi could see that Yuè's eyes were growing dazed. Shu XinYi repeated Saye's words in his head, "The Dào pearl makes people go crazy for power." So Yuè is one of the potential kings. Will he kill FengYi for the Dào pearl's power? With the way Yuè was looking towards the boy, told nothing else.

"GO BACK. Go back to the palace. This is no time to be here. Zither. Take him back right now. It's an order." Shu XinYi demanded. He can't allow the situation to become worse.

Yuè didn't move. He stood there looking at FengYi with hungry eyes. Zither tried to take him away but Yuè had frozen in place. "Y-Yuè ge, let's go. I t-told you we shouldn't have g-gone." Zither said as he politely tugged on Yuè.

Yuè just kept looking at FengYi, as he slowly stepped towards the lake. At this moment Shu XinYi heard loud ruffles from where Saye was.

Zither was trying to keep Yuè from going any further as Master Calian had said not to. "Brother Ilseu, why is Yuè-ge behaving like this?"

Shu XinYi didn't want to be harsh but this time he couldn't let emotions control him, THWAK! With a single strike on Yuè's neck, Shu XinYi had rendered him unconscious. Zither was shocked yet he still caught Yuè's body. Shu XinYi removed his cloak and covered Zither with it.

"Zither. I have a task for you. You. must. not. fail. Keep yourself and Yuè safe. Stay nearby. Don't let Yuè out of your sight. Understood?" Shu XinYi said, leaving no room for arguments.

Zither didn't fully understand the situation, but he was still confident with his affirmation. He took, Yuè to a shadowed area nearby. Becoming one with the night sky.

Shu XinYi on the other hand went to where Saye was. Saye had turned back to his original form. His silver hair dancing in the air as he fought of 3 people with his bare hands. Shu XinYi had a thought to stand and watch this work of art, but he remembered that his amnesiac husband was actually being taken by 3 guys. So Shu XinYi too joined the fight with his wooden weapon. 2 of the 3 people had an armor and golden swords. As if they had prepared for this occasion. They also attacked with more vigor, the more Shu XinYi and Saye beat them down.

"Are they so crazy to not even feel pain?" Shu XinYi asked huffing. It seemed that only he was trying to keep up with the attackers pace, while Saye was just leisurely punching the guts out of each of them.

Saye lazily replied, "It's craze born of greed. Who can truly resist it?"

Shu XinYi smirked saying, "You seem to be resisting this greed just fine."

Saye punched the man once again, this time the man went out, as Saye said, "This greed is for power. I am greedy for something else. To the extent that if I had the chance to make that something all mine, I would kill everything in existence that can take that something away from me. So this futile craze seems pathetic to me; Fake even."

Shu XinYi only added, "The thing you greed for must be already yours then. As I see it; You haven't killed everything in existence. Or maybe the thing you greed for doesn't exist."

Saye punched another man into oblivion; who was approaching Shu XinYi. Saye himself approached Shu XinYi to say with crazy eyes, as he held his face, "My greed does exist; right in front of me. You tell me Master Ilseu, Do you want to let everything exist or not. Do you want to be mine or not?"

Shu XinYi widened his eyes but he wasn't. He was used to this madness; he missed it even. "Then pardon the world and let me be yours." Shu XinYi said seriously.

Saye obviously didn't believe Ilseu's words but right now he didn't have an other option. He firmly hugged Shu XinYi. The 3 people had already fainted becoming no more than a background. He spoke in a low voice, "I have to do something, it will save FengYi from any further dangers. Keep him safe. Keep the princes safe. Most importantly, keep yourself safe. I'll be away from the Capital but, I'll be back soon. I will make sure there is no war. So please, wait for me okay."

Shu XinYi hugged back and said with urgency, "Don't do anything stupid. You can't die."

Saye loosened his embrace to face Shu XinYi as he said, "I won't. So be careful and stay alive. It's best if the princes leave the capital tommorow. I am afraid I can't escort them."

Shu XinYi nodded in agreement. Shu XinYi could guess what Saye was about to do, but it was necessary to protect everyone. FengYi was not only threatened by the other potential kings, but also the Dào pearl itself. FengYi may be capable to become a king in the future, but right now his body and mind are not prepared for that overwhelming power. So someone would have to shift the Dào pearls power away without killing FengYi. And who could achieve this impossible if not Shu XinYi's shameless yet anxious amnesiac husband.

Shu XinYi could understood why Saye had the sudden courage to confess. "Okay, I understand. Go ahead. I'll take care of the situation here." Shu XinYi hugged Saye again and then let him go.

He saw as Saye dived in the lake. He watched the halo in the lake darken. He saw as a shadow left the lake water and went away towards the moonlight, leaving nothing but a silhouette. Shu XinYi didn't reminisce for long as he looked back to the young boy, FengYi; who had fainted on the cold forest floor.

Author notes:

I didn't know I would do this. The story was supposed to be different yet I like this version way better. I hope you all like it as well. Thankyou for the reads and reacts.