6.2 You lie, you dissapoint

Yesterday, Min-Joon had entered the research center. If there was an option, Min-Joon really would chose an other research center. He scrunched his nose up seeing the glove less hands that held the door handle, one after the other. It was anything apart from clean. "Why don't you just restart the mutation project in an other center? There are many better ones in the city. If it's you then everyone will be ready to give you protocol." Min-Joon's assistant had said.

Min-Joon wondered too, why is it that even though this place is the last place he would rather be; Min-Joon couldn't leave. In his mind was an impending worry, what if he can't recognize me? This thought had been looming his mind since the morning. Min-Joon didn't know who this "he" was, but his mind couldn't escape this thought.