7.3 Master of crafting

Shu XinYi could learn a lot from these notes alone, like the fact that LiuQian had a corrupted soul to begin with, so whatever medicine he was giving him was not to teach him demonic cultivation, since he already was somewhat of a demonic cultivator. But then what was that medicine? That's exactly why Shu XinYi was here, walking around the shimmering lotus peak, waiting for MuQing. He wanted to talk with MuQing as he was the only one Shu XinYi could ask, about things like that. But since XinShu was still walking with him, he couldn't do that.

"Oye Shidi, weren't we suppose to talk alone? Though I don't mind at all." This unfiltered dialogue could only belong to the carefree MuQing. His mannerisms were too familiar, though Shu XinYi couldn't exactly point out how. XinShu was attentive of the situation so he said, "It's time for my training Master, then I'll take my leave first."