8.15 A flower that escaped

2 weeks had gone by, since Shu XinYi and Syro came to a conclusion about not only their relationship, but also the mission of those alien/species group. They want to use human bodies as vessels for souls of their kind that are on the verge of being disintegrated from this world, turning into nothing. The time span, for how long the souls can survive without a body is 60 years, and half that time had already passed without the alien/species group actually making any progress.

As for the university life, Shu XinYi was having an okay time keeping up. For him, learning things was very easy if they could keep him interested, be that a new skill or a theoretical subject. Hayden had also been calmer these few days, conducting improvised interactions with Shu XinYi to get to know whatever she can about Syro's weakness.