8.22 A long rest

There was a dull wooden door on the ground covered under a pile of fresh vines. It looked to be unopened recently but, Shu XinYi still opened it up and walked down the wooden stairs with Maria, "Shouldn't we inform Professor?"

Shu XinYi said removing his hands from his earing, "I already told him he will be here."

"How?" Maria curiosly questioned.

Shu XinYi realised saying nervously, "Uh that .. the power of love. Let's hurry up I see a light down there."

Maria was unbelieving but she didn't question more. Shu XinYi asked Snow to send him the status of this underground place, and sighed in relief seeing the unconscious Naomi and several men standing outside having a discussion.

Warning (Cursing and some vulgar talk)

Shu XinYi asked Maria to stay quiet as he closed in enough to hear in on their conversation. "Boss, this person is from the HSPA, how can we be sure they are not planning something?" A man asked.