9.16 Flower basket

"We will take the members of the guild to the tower of Shi tommorow, although there are only about a hundred members, they should be enough to start a conversation. As long as the seed of suspicion is planted people will start to investigate the matter." Tsuki evaluated there work from the past 2 months, they had been going around trying to add members to their guild, in order to subtly make them understand the real story of the past, in this game.

Tsuku and Shiro have helped Shu XinYi a lot since they joined in a team, Shu XinYi has a lot to thank them for. Originally, he himself wanted to make a guild and guide the players, but he was still a level 105th player, so most people won't be able to trust him. Meanwhile. Tsuki and Shiro had already made a lot of connections, and had a solid line of communication with many different people, though because of their methods, some people were skeptical of them.