10.7 How can we remain apart?

What does one call a phenomenon where even when there is no sound, just by looking at something, you can imagine the noise that rages on. Like the angry howl of a blood hound, one so powerful that it makes you want to rage out along with it, that's the noise Shu XinYi felt when he looked at the burning red planet rise up the sky. It rose from the west, remaining, like a beast marking it's throne. Compared to the whole sky, it only took 1/6th of the space, but it's magnificence paled out everything else, making them not even worth a spec of dirt.

Even Shu XinYi felt like he was a little fish drowning in a sea glowing red, he felt worthless in comparison to the universe. But along with this worthlessness came a sense of duty, a selfish desire to stand his ground and face everything with his heart dedicated to the cause. Shu XinYi could understand now why this era was called the age of war, the way his heart raged, a will to conquer born within him; he understood.