10.13 Proud and ... safe

The heavy smell of ash hit Shu XinYi in the face as soon as he opened the almost charred warehouse door. 4 hours ago, these materials should already be on their way to the northern city. These were about 45% of all the materials to be sent; the first batch. The fire caught on quite quickly, 2 of the guards were burnt with it. The fire in this world is harsher, it burns hotter than normal fires and doesn't blow out in the cold unless manually controlled, or blown out by very harsh winds.

The guards were preparing for the feat when the hay bales for the horses caught on fire from a kerosene lamp. The 2 guards who were inside got locked in, and until the other guards arrived from their tea break, the whole area was mostly burned down. Shu XinYi looked at the charred bodies of 2 young men, the guards for the Salvius family were trained individuals, but in such a crisis, it is easy to die.