0.1.12 Signs of life

The exit hall was a wide and tall space at the end of which, an upward slope lead to a big double door made of metal. Before the slope was a large area with about 20 cars parked. This was the first time I had entered the exit hall, I never knew there were cars in this place. Eventually, I'll have to learn to drive one. Not right now though, for now it will be useless.

"How do we open that gate? It looks kinda heavy to push open." Xiao Tian asked going up from the narrow stairway at the edge of the slope.

I followed behind him saying, "It looks to have the same mechanism as the other doors. The card should be able to unlock it atleast, and they wouldn't make this door that heavy."

"Right, then should we try the blue card on this? Or the green one? The one that the gaurds had." Xiao Tian had also familiarized himself with the card system.