11.9 Why did I get involved?

Xylon assumed a thoughtful silence so Shu XinYi spoke further, "I thought, I am cursed now, so I can't possibly perform on the pearl stage any more, it's all that Siren's fault for making my heart insecure and hopeless like this ... A day later, at the banquet gathering, a young girl approached me, she had hope in her eyes when she told me her story, she had not doubted me even for a second. She believed that if I perform with dedication, and she prays with me, then her prayers will definitely be heard. Never before had I focused on people's expression, I danced without a thought, only dedication in my heart. So I never knew how much hope people had in me .. It's funny, I was blaming the Siren while the hopelessness was my own burden to carry, I just never noticed it .. and you know a good thing about carrying your own burdens?"

Xylon didn't have an answer.