11.19 Switching roles

The first show was not only a massive success, but Shu XinYi accomplished what he wanted. Just a week after the show, people all over the nation had started talking about the story, making it into their own versions. Some had found evidence of it being related to reality, while some had connected it to the story of Sirens. While some sympathized with the God's role, some also considered what happened to the people as heart wrenching and merciless.

Looking at this sudden change in atmosphere, where people were willing to talk about Sirens, although in a fictional sense, but unlike before, their words didn't carry that same distaste, the whole royal family was in awe. Although they barely understood the truth about Sirens, they did want to let the public opinion change, but they hadn't expected for things to be so smooth sailing. It's strange how people become accepting of things when it's presented as anything beyond truth.