12.5 Wooden bowl

The Rakasha forest was not technically a part of the academy grounds but the mountains that stretched out far behind the main library were what made up most of the forest. There was a left valley of deep woods too, but that was an area the students mostly tour about. The major chunk of the mountains on the west were advised to not be used as a visiting ground, but it was not restricted. However, people rarely ever went past the outer forest.

By the time, a grey settled in the clouds, no one was around near the entrance to the main forest, except a few practitioners returning with their loot. They gave Shu XinYi looks of intrest as they passed by, some even cared to ask about what he was upto; it was a dangerous time after all. Shu XinYi said that he was about to get some numbing silk, that is a dew obtained from the woods in the outer layer of the forest.