12.14 A moment, a lifetime

The lights were dull, falling upon Shu XinYi's closed eyes. He could barely open them when he heard a voice close to him, "Why do you have no regard for your personal safety little bunny? You knew right? That the demons would attack, but you took that risk for what? Hm? For that boy who doesn't consider you more than a pawn? Or is something else going on in that little head of yours?"

Thankfully his voice wasn't angry, Shu XinYi sighed in relief. He didn't even mind his wrists that were tied above his head. He was standing on a wooden floor so they must be back in the dimension house. "It was a worthy risk. Now will you remove this damn blindfold off me." Shu XinYi remembered well what Waleed had said before. So right now Waleed must be standing in front of him without a cloth covering his face.