03.11 Heater

I was expecting to have a quick conversation, but the Captain didn't say anything at all; he was just holding his forehead in his palm, over his arms, deep in contemplation. At this rate I will freeze to death, "Um .. C-captain?" I can't even speak well, I can barely feel my face, it's too cold.

"You should have worn something if you were cold, but don't leave now. It's just a little cold. Endure it." Ah .. fuck the rule book man, I really can't respect this guy, "Did you call me out here to test my cold tolerance? I haven't slept properly for the past week, and even no-Ah!" When he raised his hand, I was expecting him to grab my collar, so I winced before it even happened, but he just took his hand back, "And who's fault, do you think that is? You were the one who was drunk alright. Tch, how annoying?"