04.1 Practice session

"Do you do any specific training for your bow arm? If you're having a hard time drawing more than 15 shots, then work on that area of your body. Oh .. and don't lower your bow when you nock. You have a habit of that, right? From your hunting days." He never really watches me train, maybe because he has no interest in actually training, but right now he is advising sincerely. He is quite observant.

"When I move around, I need to lower my arm for a better balance. I can't evade attacks if I keep my bow up. As for bow arm training, I have been trying it, but I feel like I have already built up that sort of form with my years of hunting. So I can only learn the technique for now." It's not like I don't understand what he is saying, but it's not easy to follow his advice in my condition.