05.7 Play around

"LanXu your very annoying elder brother who likes to be over bearing. Then TianShi the adorable younger brother with a few loose screws. And ZhuYuan, the very enthusiastic, sometimes stupid elder sister. Hmm.. XinYi, I am wondering, if you were to describe me to someone else like this, what will you say?" What sort of question is that? Him? If someone asks me who he is? His manner of sitting, the way his arm rests on his knee, and his head on the wood, how his clothes fit on him .. how do I comprehend it into words? He is a universe of all my curiousities and intrests.

"I .. Well I'd say that LiFeng is an idiot, a very pretty idiot." And I love him.

"Tch. You always call me an idiot. And where the hell am I pretty? You are the weird one, weird little bunny." ...?

"Bunny? You called me that before too. From where am I a little bunny?" Shouldn't I be a feirce .. fox or wolf or something? Don't insult me like that. This idiot.