05.11 Violence is an answer

As per Xiao Tian, this boring work must be done. But I have about zero input in all this. It's not like I don't understand what is happening, I can keep up with it. ZhuYuan is analyzing this space along with Colby on the otherside. Entrance to the central processor is through this inner system, but we can't just barge in and expect to be welcomed. There should be a clear and safe path, and it will take a lot of time to create that.

Essentially, we have to find areas in the whole network of the inner system that are the weakest in security, or have some intresting factors. Like a room with a discarded world model, or some fork road that loops around, all and any areas that can help us get a better understanding of this place. So ultimately we can find our way in without breaching security. But that will take a lot of time.