To each their own

TianShi had gotten better as the days passed, but just passing by LanXu's room would wallow hid heart. Shu XinYi couldn't simply sit by his door and talk him out of his predicament like he did with TianShi, LanXu is not that easy. Unless he is prepared to come out on his own, it would be impossible to reach him first.

But despite that, each morning TianShi would wake up early and pack a few eatables, and cleaning supplies, to put them outside LanXu's room. He would also leave a note writing little messages like, sleep well, eat well, don't forget to drink water, for LanXu. And by the following evening all those items would be taken inside the room. But there was still no sign of the man.

Shu XinYi poured cold water over his body, thinking of what he could do to reach LanXu without putting him into even more despair. Maybe trying to talk to him should be a start, but what if he never allows it?