Unmasked Suspect

He picked his phone and calls samadina, no response, while he waits, he sent Insp. Zed to find out the whereabouts of Insp. Samadina.

3 Minutes Later, Insp. Zed put a call through to Gen. Stan and reveals that she and insp. Jemima were having a fight already.

They both went to the sickbay and saw that they were almost at it...

Immediately they saw Gen. Stan and Gen. Tim, they were looking shocked and speechless..

Gen Stan: I sent you on an errand and you're here having an argument.

And you Insp. Jemima ,of all places, in a sickbay...

Gen. Stan walked out...

Gen. Tim nod his head and asked Samadina ' Which errand did Gen. Stan send you?'

Samadina: He asked me to come get a certain file from you, her said you would know the file.

While arranging my table so as to come meet you, I noticed that Jemima has taken the only person I cared for, she stole my man, as if that isn't enough she gives fake tales about me to our colleagues here, people I do relate with suddenly gives me distances..

I'm sorry Gen Tim for not reaching out to you.

Gen. Tim: (Smiling and glad that she actually didn't reach his office gave him a level of peace as he now feels it was his imagination playing out)... It's alright... I will talk to Gen Stan so that he doesn't give you both harsh judgment... You sure both know that its an offence... Especially in the office premises with personal tribal issues that could have been ironed out outside of this building.

You women are just so magical.

Immediately Gen. Tim left, they both wiped their fake tears and smiled and hugged each other…

She lied to Samadina that it seems Gen Tim wanted to make advances on Melvina and she almost saw him in the act and she quietly stepped down out to avoid being caught, reason she staged all these...

In the process, Insp. Michael having heard about the fight, came to check up on them, only to see them smiling at each other.

Insp. Michael smiled and walked away. Immediately, Insp. Samadina tapped him and said 'we need to talk'.

She took Insp. Michael to a dark corner near their changing room and spilled all she encountered to him....

Insp. Michael in shock asked her, 'Does Gen Stan trust you? She nodded in positive affirmation. Then he told her, send a quick text message to Gen Stan. Tell him the act he saw was a staged one and that you did it because of him, to save his life.

Gen Tim is a suspect, We have another mole here and i must find who such one is. The name SamSam, we need to know who is SamSam.

For now, try to be close to Insp. Zed, its a means to put an eye on Gen Tim indirectly, and without the knowledge of Insp. Zed.

Please Insp. Samadina, don't hide anything from me...

Insp Mic told her that, I will be close to you as a friend, but let's make others seem we have something together, this is a way to keep people imagining the wrong things so that they won't know your next steps likewise mine.

They shook hands in agreement.

So Insp. Michael deliberately went to the Gen Tim office section where he can view things happening outside from his window...

He placed a kiss on the forehead of Insp. Samadina and took his face towel to pretend as though he was wiping her tears, and he gave her a tight hug... As Insp. samadina confirmed that he had seen them, he stopped hugging her.. And they were smiling at each other smiling.

Insp Mic knows that the only way he can fish out lots of evidence from Caro is to flirt with her, pretending to have feelings for her, while deliberately avoiding Philo for a short while... He knew that this will send a wrong message to Philo, but he was ready to take the risk.... He informed Melvina and Jemima of his plan, just in case he's done getting his information from Caro, they can stand as witnesses to clear him out and he pleaded that they tell Philo not to give up on him....

Its going to be a tough one for him, but he had to...

Soliloquizing, he said : 'If it means being a pest to you Caro to unmask you, then I would'.

Insp. Mic immediately sent a message to Insp. Brian and he wrote: 'Let's meet at the ground floor after our meeting with Gen. Stan. Its urgent, see you soon'.


Inspector Philo, Melvina, Jemima, Zed, Brian, Samadina, Cain, Julius, Caro, AndAll, Michael, came to the meeting hall one after the other in seconds interval.

Gen. Stan, Jack, Tim, Leo came in barely 10minutes...

Door closes from behind.


(He Stands:)

Gen Stan: I welcome you all to this crucial meeting as it might be quite lengthy....

Last week, I got a call from from Gen Ken and he reported a sad incident to me....

The good news is that about 10 terrorists has been captured and will soon be jailed.

He further told me that some of their team members are domiciled in this region and their plans has been calculated....

Their execution plans is 85% planned.....

We don't have time. So this meeting is likely to be our last meeting before we disperse our teams to strategic places to set ambushes and catch these terrorist....

I will relate other sensitive information to my fellow generals immediately after this meeting.

Again, I noticed that some of you inspectors are sending a wrong signal to our neighborhood by having exchange of words with people carrying out their daily enterprise...... With the last incident that happened, I hereby prohibit any of you from using the barber's shop next to this building.

Again, I was bent on giving a strict disciplinarian action to Insp. Jemima and Samadina for displaying what I call ' An Unruly Behavior' in the sickbay, but I had a second thought and changed my mind, seeing that we are in a critical situation all hands must be on desk.....

I'm glad to see you here Inspector 'AndAll'. For you to be here, it tells one thing, 'you're coming out of your shell and getting healed of your painful memory '. Thanks for being