
Insp Jemima, the driver and Pamela entered the car and zoomed off. In not less than 10 minutes the police arrived, already they've left the boutique.


Driver: (Stops at a car wash center). He opens the door for all to come down.

Insp Jemima: Why bring us here, I thought you were going elsewhere, is washing cars now a priority in a time like this.

Pamela: No dear, we came to see Timlead, he's my boss. He gave me Jasmine to take care of on his behalf.

Insp Jemima: TIMLEAD!

Pamela: Yes, anything?

Insp Jemima: No, that doesn't sound like a name, it sounds more like a toy or something. Such an awkward name.

Timlead: Who's this stranger?

Insp Jemima: Excuse me? Are you this rude? My name is Stella you Idiot.

Pamela: ( giving her an eye signal)

Insp Jemima: No, don't give me that. Is this how rude your boyfriend is? You know what, I'm out of here.

Timlead: (blocks her) you're going nowhere.