Eddie: She wanted more details about Timlead, but I felt a restrain from telling her because I couldn't trust her too well, although I told her a bit, but that information can't hold water. The exact thing I told her was:
Ivie's parent are yet to forgive him and they're looking for him till now, he knows anytime I tell anyone the story, he will be portrayed as the bad one and this will make him have many unknown enemies because of my narrative.
But Philo, the truth is that Timlead is a Terrorist and his gang name is 'terroriot group'. They rape, kill, steal, etc. His real name is Timi. But because he's the oldest of his crew ,they made him a team lead because they gave him the name Timlead ( which means a leader of a team).
Their symbol is 'TG' in capital letters which means "Terririot Group". His team members if I can recall bears the names: Marksman, Stylish, Silencer and they have a Boss whose name I can't remember. There was a time he traveled to UP NORTH .