
She quickly runs to the meds to see if she can see needle and thread. She finally saw and sorted her skirt out.

Gen Tim dropped a document for insp Caro on her desk since she wasn't on seat. The document is meant for her to review before and acknowledge with her signature.

As Caro was heading towards the hall for the meeting, she saw Gen Tim leaving her office and she wondered what took him there or whether he even entered at all.

Now she was at the meeting room and Gen Stan scolded them for coming late. She apologized and explained herself.

Gen Stan: We are almost done with the meeting. It's an urgent brief meeting. Notwithstanding, you can ask your colleagues what was discussed.

Gen Stan: Report got to me that there will be an exchange at the sea port and we need to stop it. Those girls can't be sold out. Brian you will need to position well. Gen Tim, you will need to back Brian up.