Ch. 78 - Commitment.

Looking at myself in the mirror as I check whether what im about wear fits my age. Im about to meet Sarah again, we have been more connected ever since I've started cooking for her every morning. She has gotten ever more clingy than before, and I've slowly grew fond of her charismatic and energetic personality.

I scoffed as I boarded the train headed to Yokohama. I've never used this method of transportation this much before, now I kept arriving and departing from simultaneous stations every day for her. But this was much better than biking all the way there, it got my legs really sore.

Never thought I'd once again put this much commitment to someone, but at least she's the one im dating. She's alot different in a better way than most girls I've seen or met. It makes me feel lucky and happy.

I'd arrived at the Bistro and found Sarah glancing around, looking for me.

"Sarah!" I've shouted her name.