All About Blood Moon (Part 1)

“More reasons why you have to be more serious about this!” Agnes argued back.

"As I said, you don't have to worry; number one, I shall be leading the vanguard of our attacks like usual against whichever creature we have to face this time," Alec said as he began laying down his plans for the attack.

"Brandon will stay in the middle with Knight; Brandon's job is to kill any creature we miss or those that attack from the sides, while Knight's job will be to protect Agnes, our magician, with his shadow element."

"Or to eliminate any threat he feels he can handle before they become a danger; Knight is our only assassin for this round, while Brandon will be our sub-attacker."

"Agnes and Arthur will lead the remaining Tier 1 warriors of the Gordon family behind us. Arthur, I know you're happy that you now have armor and feel that you don't have to defend with your magic like you used to since you want to be a full attacking force."