George Gordons Out For Blood (1&2)

After a few minutes of fighting with the Gordons Clan Patriarch the mental image of the Flaming Hyena had already dimmed alot, while the black golem still stood strong in the air, it's red eyes more brighter than ever as it had an evil smile on it's lips.

Smaller particles of the Flaming Hyena's body was disintegrating and merging with the body of the Black golem.

Meanwhile the patriarch of the Fridall clan had a grave look on his face, blood dripping from the edge of his mouth and his left arm was complete ripped of, looking as if a demonic beast had used it's fang to yank off the complete arm

With a pale face the old man looked at the Gordons Patriarch who looked completely fine as if he had not even fought anybody at all

" this is bullsh*t, (Spits out blood), they said you are just a new upgraded tier 7 Mage like me and your elemental and mental control should have not gotten stronger with that few months"