Danger (3).

The day came to a end with two dark red moons illuminating the sky, Alec's group had just successfully escaped from the dense Orkish forest that had held them captive.

"We should set up a small fortress here and rest for the night, Tomorrow, we'll continue our journey, and once you all reach the destination our great instructor wanted us to reach, we'll go our separate ways,"

James suggested, as He walked away to set up his own tent and help his team members transform their chosen spot into a makeshift fortress.

Alec's group wasted no time and worked together to quickly prepare their tents, they had gotten some from that old short man at the counter who made sure Igor paid for them.

"Guys, I've never seen you look so worn out before in my entire life, Are you sure you don't want to take off those bracers?"

Arthur whispered , concerned, as he looked at Alec lying on the ground, patiently waiting for his tent to be assembled so he could finally rest.