Limits (4).

As Legion broke through their defenses, the realization dawned on them that they had greatly underestimated the golem.

It was a deceptive, pretending to be a harmless sheep while he is powerful wolf in disguise who is just forced to defend due to the weak Gordons clansmen.

Legion swiftly wiped the two mages nearest to him with the bottom of his spear, fully aware that engaging them in battle would only prolong the fight.

He had no interest in such a prolonged skirmish, as it would only lead to him being surrounded quickly, jeopardizing his main mission.

His objective was to infiltrate their formation and take out the Magic Path Mage of Kethra's group.

All the taunting and banter exchanged between him and Titan had a purpose - to goad the mage into revealing a weakness.

Even their bet was nothing more than a playful jest, The intricate plan they had devised was unique to them.