Break : (System Changes Part 1).

Back at the Orckish Forest, the Gordon's group remained at the edge.

Unable to fully proceed due to Alec's restricted mana, preventing him from summoning his other golems.

They collectively decided to continue camping in their at the edge of the Forest until the remaining 24 hours had passed.

It seemed like the logical choice, as Alec would be able to recover his Mana by then and it would provided them with additional protection if they were to face another attack similar to what had occurred at the forest entrance.

With the exception of Legion, all the other Captain-ranked Golems Alec had the ability to summon minion golems using their mana during battles.

Although they also had to moved a significant distance from their previous spot, as they were apprehensive that Kethra, who now had some understanding of their abilities, might return to confront them again with another group of mages.